Bonus: Backstory: Lucretia von Ordelia

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This is going to be a backstory for one of my characters, Lucretia, an OC I made to be Lysithea's older sister.

Sorry if the personality is bland, I am not good at this kind of thing.

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Lucretia was born as the second eldest child of House Ordelia, being the younger sister of Arxiel and the older sister of Jaine, Triel, Lysithea and Percival. She has dark blue hair, which she got from her father, and bright pink eyes, which she got from her mother. The Ordelian girl was 163 cm tall.

Everyday, she wondered why some members of her family, like Arxiel and Triel, did not have a Crest while everyone else had a Crest. She, Percival and their father had Charon blood while Lysithea, Jaine and their mother had Gloucester blood. However, despite their differences in Crest, the family still loved each other.

Lucretia hated conflicts in politics. It started at the Year 1167 when Ludwig Aegir started a revolt and attacked Ordelia Territory. When all would havs eneded terribly, Count Gloucester arrived to save the people of Ordelia from the attacks, arresting Ludwig and removing Aegir out of the map.

The event shook Lucretia up, forcing herself to fear anyone involved in the conflict between Aegir and Gloucester. It took some convincing from her mother, Lady Isabella von Ordelia, to conquer that fear and be brave for the sake of House Ordelia.

Thanks to her mother's words, Lucretia finally conquered her fears of the event and studied hard. She even practiced swordsmanship and Reason magic.

In the Imperial Year 1176, she had enrolled at the Fhirdiad School of Sorcery in the Faerghus Empire, however, tragedy ensued when the Tragedy of Duscur began. She survived the ordeal and was sent back to Ordelia.

However, she learned that Emperor Lambert, Emperess Consort Patricia and General Gilbert had died in the conflict, and that Prince Dimitri was hidden away by the people of Duscur.

Not wanting to be reminded of the Ordelia revolution that was halted thanks to Count Gloucester, she decided to continue studying for her future and for the future of Jaine, Triel, Lysithea and Percival.

In the Imperial Year 1179, she was taken to the Officers Academy to take the enrollment exam for the Class of the Upcoming year. She had to use her heart and soul to come up with the right answers.

It took weeks for her to finally get the results. She was filled with joy when she saw that she was accepted into the Officers Academy.

As she would pack up to leave Ordelia Territory for Garreg Mach, Lysithea walked up to her with a worried expression.

"Lucry?" She asked. "Are you certain about this? What if you never come back?"

"Don't worry, Lysithea." The elder Ordelia sister smiled. "I will write letters when I have the time. That way, you can hear of me."

"Promise you will come back on the Class year is over." Lysithea pouted. "If you don't, I would be devistated."

"I promise, Lissie." Lucretia smiled.

And with the touch of two pinkies, Lucretia started her journey to not only become a better person for the sake of the people of Ordelia, but to also keep her promise with Lysithea.

It was the Imperial year 1180. Lucretia had finished moving to Garreg Mach's Officers Academy after her enrollment. She was placed into the Golden Deer House since Ordelia was in Leichester Territory.

She was introduced to the Archbishop Rhea, who was a very kind woman, and to her classmates, Claude, Hilda, Lorenz, Dorothea, Drew, Elizabeth and Marianne.

She was also introduced to the other two houses, the Black Eagles and Blue Lions. She quickly befriend Edelgard, Mercedes, Linhardt, Ingrid, Annette, Ashe, Claude, Hilda, Dorothea, Drew, Elizabeth and Marianne, however, she had trouble befriending Dimitri, Lorenz and Ferdinand. She was also the only one outside the Golden Deer who wasn't intimidated by Dedue.

One night, whem the students went to camp nearby Remire Village, Lucretia had gotten a warning from one of the Professors that there were bandits nearby. She told everyone to help defend the campsite. However, the problem was not the campsite, but the bandits were all aiming for Dimitri, Edelgard and Claude.

The students were separated from the House leaders. While everyone tried to calm each other down, Lucretia saw some shooting stars pop up from the sky and then crashland in the forest near Hevring territory.

The Ordelian girl rushed her way to the source of the crash, with Linhardt following her.

As the two drew near the crash site and the smoke cleared, Lucretia gasped upon seeing an unconscious blond haired girl, a girl whose name was Sharena.


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