Chapter 10: Dark Rescue

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Well, I kept looking at the story and it turns it has a total of 19,308 words until the creation of this chapter, not counting the character designs.

As for this chapter, I feel like it is going to be the most infamous chapter for how I deal with Chapter 6 of Three Houses.

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The Horsebow Moon came. Garreg Mach was placed in a state of emergency. Not only was Flayn missing, but Linhardt also vanished. The Black Eagles and Lady Elincia were being interviewed for the whereabouts of the green haired noble, but none got an answer. Not even Byleth could figure out anything.

Kiran was on their way to bed when they heard a conversation between Odesia and Dimitri.

"Are you serious, Dimitri?" The Teal and neon green haired female crossed her arms. "You cannot be stating that someone just kidnapped both Flayn and Linhardt."

"It is true!" The Blue Lion House leader shook head before fixing his white hair. "I went to the library and saw that there was a struggle."

"The library... I saw Linhardt there before we set off on our mission!" Odesia gasped. "And did you find anything?"

"I found his white hair ribbon." Dimitri shows Odesia Linhardt's hair ribbon, which had small strands of pine green hair. "There were also books that scattered because of a broken bookshelf."

"This is bad..." The Black Eagle student frowned. "If the bookshelf is broken, there must have been a huge struggle. And there won't be any way to look for clues because the library will be out of bounds tomorrow."

Kiran then left in a hurry before the two students would even notice that the summoner was eavesdropping on them.

The summoner entered their bedroom and closed the door.

"Sothis... we have a problem." They said.

"I know what you are referring." Sothis appeared. "In the original timeline, only Flayn was missing. And in here... both Flayn and that Hevring boy are missing."

"We are gonna help the entire monastery tomorrow..." Kiran lied down on their bed. "And I believe Alfonse will have some details on the whole kidnapping thing. After all, he was kidnapped by Thórr."

"Won't that... you know, traumatize him?" The green haired girl asked.

"I know it won't." The summoner shook their head. "He is a young man with willpower."

Sothis only sighed. Sometimes, she would ask herself if the Sothis of this alternate Fodlan can stand Byleth's nonsense.

The next morning, Aster was helping clean up the library when Kiran approached her.

"Excuse me, Aster?" The summoner asked her.

"Eep!" Aster almost dropped her staff. "Oh. It is just you, Summoner. You startled me..."

"My apologies." Kiran smiled. "My question is... what details do you have when you were with Alfonse during his rescue attempt?"

The pink and blue haired girl's skin turned whiter than pale due to her different color skinned.

"Aster?" Kiran got worried. "Are you alright?"

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