Chapter 1:My best friend

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This is my almost 19 year old best friend Danny . We have been friends ever since I remember. And I have loved him forever. I haven't told him obviously because I don't want to ruin our friendship. I know about his bad anger and trust issues but I really don't mind as I have trust issues myself. And this is me, I'm Victoria Sangster a 17 year old girl with the best mother and best friend anyone could ask for. Not much to tell about me, I I live in California. No Danny doesn't live next to me sadly, he lives pretty far but not too far. However we still get to hang out...a lot.

-God, first day of school, i'm so so nervous-I say as I dress take my bag and get down to eat breakfast.

-Good morning sweetheart-my mom says

Good morning mum-I reply

-Danny is waiting outside -

-Oh shoot he is here already?-I say picking my bag from the floor and running out of the house.

Good morning princess- he says

-Good morning to you too Danny,Happy birthday!!!!!I'm sorry for making you wait this is for you -i say

-It's ok...Oh no you didn't have to. -

-Well I wanted To so open it -

-Ok ok.. -he opened the little box I gave him.

-Cat collar -

-YEAH! -

-But I don't have a -

-It's for you! - I said

-FOR ME? -

-Yes,do you still have the cat ears I bought you last year? -

-Yes -

-Perfect -

-Um well thank you,You are coming to the ball right? -he asks

-Yeah...Wouldn't miss it for anything -i say

-OK then let's go -


We are walking down the hall and we are almost out of our class, when Ashley appears.(I don't know how she manages to get on my nerves every time).Ashley is my forever enemy. She likes Danny and is not afraid to show it and I think Danny likes her too. I think he doesn't make a move because he knows I hate her ans she hates me.

-Hi baby -says Ashley

Oh Hi Ashley!-Danny says(I can see the excitement in his voice and eyes and it breaks me but I won't let her believe she won.

-Are you free for lunch? -asks Ashley

-I..I mean if Victoria doesn't mind -(As I open my mouth to say don't worry, she interrupts me and it's not the first time)

-Why would she care see you at lunch handsome -she says and I think..(Oh my GOD I want to brake every bone she has on her body )

-Let's go -Danny says and we enter the classroom.

The entire hour I can't stop thinking of the lunch date Danny will be going to. My heart hurts at the thought of them kissing and even dating. The bell rings. It's lunch time.

-I will see you later? -Danny asks and I felt so betrayed so back stabbed but he wasn't doing anything bad,he was just going on a date.

-Yeah...s..sure.. I..will be on the first bench-i say trembling and trying to keep my heart from breaking.(And that's on trust issues)

-OK Bye princess - he waves while walking away.

-Bye - I whisper.

My best friend《 @dannyphantom.exe 》(more like dannysimp.exe)Where stories live. Discover now