Chapter 3:The ball

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As you might have guessed , today is Danny’s birthday and he and his family have planned a ball. You also might have guessed that Danny is pretty rich because his father owns the biggest car company in California-which is true- but Danny owns a black Range Rover which I completely love.

I was done getting dressed for the ball. I was wearing a long red dress. I knew Danny had invited Ashley as besides their liking relationship they were pretty good friends which made me fell like she wanted to steal my position as Danny’s best friend. And my thoughts turned out to be correct because by the time I reached Danny’s house I saw him and Ashley talking. I was glad though that when Danny saw me he excused himself to greet and hangout with me.

-You look amazing tonight darling-he said in a British accent.

-You look very handsome yourself my prince -I said in the same accent. He blushed a little. I was used to his compliments.

-I am honored you managed to come princess -

-Oh my prince didn’t I told you,I wouldn’t miss your birthday for anything -I replied in the same tone.

-Allow me to get you a drink – he said

-I would love to but I have to see your lovely family dear sir -

-As you wish my lady -

I looked around trying to find Danny’s sister Molly .I walked towards her.

-Hi cupcake -that is her nickname from me.

-Victoria! Hi! -her face lightened up. We are really close with Molly. She is the sweetest kid ever. She is like my little sister as I don’t have any siblings.

-How are you Molly? -

-I’m really happy now that I see you -She said. She has such a cute voice. She is 10 years old. Pretty smart for her age if you ask me.

We talked for some time and then we ate Danny’s birthday cake together. Time passed and I went outside for a walk. Not many people were outside.

-Hi again – I hear,i turn around to see Danny.

-Hi birthday boy -I said

-Where are you going? -

-I was about to take a walk around the fountain

-Can i join you? -

-Of course -

We walked for some time and we talked about him,about me. We sat next to the fountain, admiring the bright colors the lights created on the water. He took his phone out of his pocket. He had a text from….Uhhhhh Ashley. She was looking for him. I took the phone from him to tease him.

-Give it back – He said laughing

-You will have to catch me first – I said while running away with his phone.

-Be careful -He shouted as I was running left and right to avoid people on my way.

-I’ll catch you -He threatened playfully.

While I was running I bumped into someone and we both fell to the ground with me on top. Dizzy as I was I tried to open my eyes to see who I bumped into and apologize when I felt a hand behind my neck and two lips touching mine. I opened my eyes and saw Christian, Ashley’s pervert freaking brother kissing me passionately.I had to act fast. I bit his lip in my attempt to stand up,I took his hand away from me and got up .I turned around to find Danny running past me and landing on Christian with speed and punching him. NOT AGAIN!!!NO IT’S NOT HAPPENING AGAIN.

People watching as I push Danny off of Christian. I managed to stop him and Christian got up and left with a wink at me as a goodbye.

-Danny why would you do that?!?!?? -

-Are you kidding me right now? -

-I had it all controlled it was fine why would you get into a fight again?? - He looked away,I look around,people have returned to their conversations and drinks.

-I had to Victoria… -

-You had to? What kind of answer is that? -

-I’m sorry ok?I’m just so easy to piss off.. -

-I know Danny, I know .But you can’t do that. You can’t beat someone up just because you have to. What is going on Danny?

-Nothing I – just -

-Issues I know..,but you have to stop. For today at least. It’s your birthday after all.

-……………….. -

For me Danny please..,We don’t have to talk about the same reason twice in a day. You have to promise -

-Fine -

-Fine what? -

-I promise.. -

-Good. Now go have some fun.

-Ok I will see you later? -

-Be sure -

Danny’s mom miss Grace asked me to put Molly to sleep so I went to Danny’s house. The place where the ball was hosted was also Mr Peter’s Danny father’s property next to their house.

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