Chapter 6

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Liam's P. O. V

        The Welcome Bond Fire was in full swing. There was creatures everywhere. Vampires, witches,  wizards, fairies, shape shifters, angels, demons, dragon bearers, gods, demigods, oracles, mermaids, werewolves, and HUMANS. Four humans in particular. I have yet to meet one of those wonderful girls who has snuck their way into this school without having a gift of the supernatural. It honestly bewilders me along with Harry being mates with one of them. Suddenly a young woman, if she could call herself that, came over to me with this stomach twisting, in a bad way, smile. Her scent was absolutely horrid. Vampire. And not a well respected one at that.

      She placed her claw like nails, the color of coal, on my arm and squeezed. My wolf growled at the disgust radiating off of this fowl woman.

      "Alpha Liam hmm. So nice of you to join our university. What brings you back to the college life?" She slurred in the up most unattractive way.

"It's Alpha Payne to you, and nothing you can offer me. And nothing I could ever want from you." I snarled. Her mouth fell a gap. She must have never been used to being turned down before.

      Now that she was a great distance away from me, I need to find my pack members.


Yes Alpha?

Where are you and the rest of my men?

Zayn's right next to me. Jackson is talking to some girl, and I have no clue as to where Harry could be. I'm standing by the big oak tree.

My eyes scanned the crowd until I saw Niall's familiar blonde hair. I slowly made my way towards him when my wolf began to create a killer headache.

"Ahh." I groaned out in pain. I stumbled towards the tree Niall was leaning on. My hands were clutching my hair as the pain intensified. A growl left my lips.

"Liam?" A voice sounded so far away.

"Alpha Payne!" Niall yelled.


My breathing began to slur. I staggered into the woods. Once I stepped foot on the soil my headache was lifted.

"What the fuck was that?" I growled out.

"Quite pup!" my wolf sneered.

I began to pick up foot steps. They were making their way here rapidly. One. Two. Five sets of feet. Five people.

"Liam!" Harry?

They were getting closer. Harry along with four unknown persons. They're voices rang throughout the wooded area. Finally his vivid green eyes appeared, followed by four young females.

"Thank god Liam." Harry said sounding relived.

I started at him for a moment then my eyes flickered behind him. Harry walked over to help me up from the ground. I took in a sharp breath. There were four unfamiliar scents. One in particular stood out, but it was faint.

"Follow it Liam. Follow it NOW!"

Autumn Luna

"He's alright?" I whispered to Grace.

Her nose scrunched up in curiosity.

"I believe so. Why?" Her light brown eyes met my black ones.

"I just want to get away and read some more of  my grandfather's book. I also want to run a little." I told her truthfully.

My eyes wondered back to the man who was on his knees. Now he was staring at Harry. He seemed fine. Right?

"Go." Grace whispered.

I glanced back at the man again before turning around. The moon had enough light to read through the little black book. I began to pick up were I left off.

....How is it possible?  I swore this young woman was human. After the battle, the young woman fainted in my arms. She was rushed to the hospital wing. While I trusted her in the hands of Dr. Roman, I also felt the need to not allow him near her. To get my mind off of her I needed to speak with James.

      As I spoke with him about the situation at hand, I also needed to know about the woman I feel so attached to.

He told me that she was in fact one of them. A werewolf, and apparently she was my mate. My mate. My head and heart was heavy with this new.....

I stopped in my tracks. A deep growl was carried throughout the trees. Someone is watching me. I closed my eyes and blocked out everything. I listened intently. The hairs on my arms began to rise. I picked up breathing towards my left, but suddenly it was gone. My brows creased together. 

What the hell?

Larger arms engulfed me, trapping my arms to my sides. The touch was completely jarring. The arms around me were very muscular. To big to be a girl's arms. My captor's chest began to rumble, and a growl was released from his lips.

"Let me go." I said calmly.

A snarl left his lips. "MINE!" he growled out.

I leaned into his body knowing my head would not reach his. His tense demeanor changed and I grabbed his wrist. I twisted his hand, so he will be in front of me. I held him in a tight grip, and kicked him in his back. He fell on his knees in a daze. When he came back to Earth he got up and looked at me.

What the hell?

"Liam? What the hell!" I studied the way his body tensed after I said his name. His eyes flashed golden before they met my dull dark ones. I was enchanted by his unnatural colored eyes. The color was so rich and smooth, yet hard and challenging. I started him directly in the eye and began to drown in the color.

Suddenly a surge of pain shot through Liam and I's head. Images of me and him began to flash behind my eyelids. A scream erupted from my lips.

 A wolf. I was on a wolf's back. We were surrounded by lush forest. I griped his fur tightly as we ran. We came upon a clearing until i was harshly knocked off of his back. My body flew into a tree. I was quick to my feet. A pup whimpered at my feet. He was then in my arms whining. A wolf snarled at me and I kicked it in its jaw dislocating it. I turned my back for a second before I fell onto my knees. I turned around to see the wolf I was on.

"LIAM!" I screamed as I watched him fall dead.

I snapped back to reality. Liam was hovering over me and holding my face.

"Baby please be ok?" He whimpered.

I pushed him away from my body and stood up. His eyes flashed again as he growled.

"Mine!" He demanded, however I turned my back.

"No. No ones." I said before taking off into the dark of night leaving my grandfather's book behind.

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