Chapter 2

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I ran for what felt like hours. Well I did run for hours. I had to see it. I had to go back to the place where I was raised.

My grandfathers land.

I walked up to the house that was surrounded by evergreen trees and opened the door. I always come here when I feel overwhelmed, and right at this moment I couldn't help but reflect that feeling. Instantly the scent of mint and fresh herbs filled my nose. As much as I wanted to just look at every moment we had together, my grandfather and I, I walked straight ahead to the Yuè Shén. I stepped foot into the dark room and the lights switched on. This was my grandfathers secret study. It was hidden behind a book shelf that was in his green room. I walked straight to his desk. The cherry oak wood stood out as poised and polished. The room had a calming aroma and it brought back a tremendous amount of memories. His soft leather chair sat by the grand windows. His small candles were placed everywhere in such away that when lit they eliminated the room. His desk was left exactly the way it was when he "went away." I never fixed it because I was so convinced that he would come back. He never did.

Sighing I went to stand by the window. Wolverhampton University. I should just go, but this is holding me back. My home and my memories. I'm not ready to let them go. I watch as the sun sets over the little river. I close me eyes, breathing in and out in even steady breaths to calm myself.

Please I beg of you grandpa send me a sign if you're anywhere in my heart and watching over me.

I slowly began to open my eyes and the landed on the sunset. The sunset. My grandfather always told me that when the sun sets it's a ending and a start to a new beginning being that the sun has to rise again.

"Thank you." I whispered breathing in.

Its time for a new beginning.


I walked back onto the house to find my mother holding a necklace in her hand. The way she furrowed her brows and fiddled with the necklace I can tell she was deep in thought.

"Mom are you ok?" I asked approaching her.

"Si Mija. Just thinking." she said looking at me with a smile that didn't met her eyes.

"About?" I asked taking a seat next to her.

"About leaving. I was just thinking that it's not fair for me to take you away from everything you grew up on. I just want you to be happy and strong willed." she explained pulling out the the necklace.

"Your father wanted me to give this to you when you were accepted into the University. It says es en misma que se encuentra la fortaleza que necesita [ it is in herself she will find the strength she needs]. In it is a picture of your uncle, grandfather, and father. So they will always be with you." she said putting the golden locket around my neck.

So many emotions were running through my nerves. He wanted to wait until I was accepted into the university, but he never got the chance. I looked down at the heart shaped bundle that feel right over my heart. I unlocked it to see a picture of my uncle, grandfather, and father all smiling with me in the middle.

I remember this picture from when I first started high school. It was the first time I fought and my grandfather was so proud of me for not actually hurting that person. I just blocked a lot of her blows. She chose to pick on my friends and I wasn't having any of it.

If my father were alive right now he would want me to go. He would want me to go right?

I heard shuffling on my right side but I  didn't pay much attention to it. I on the other hand knew it was my mother.

"I'll go." I spoke out loud, my eyebrows still knotted together in thought.

"What?" my mother asked.

"I'll go, to the University. It'll be a new start. I really need the new start. It's what grandpa and my uncle would want, but more importantly it would be what my father would want." I said turning to face her.

"Baby girl are you sure? I don't wanna force you into anything?"

"Mom," I said walking to her, "this would be good for us. It would be good for all of us. The girls loved them to. Now its time to keep moving forward and keep them in our hearts. Seguir avanzando [Keep moving on]. Remember ma? Seguir avanzando."

She looked at me and pulled me into a big hug. I could feel her smile on her face.

"I'm so proud of you hija. I'm so proud." she whispered.

"I know. So when are we leaving?"

She began to fiddle with her fingers and look around. I knew my mother  extraordinarily well. She was nervous about something.

"Mother?" I questioned.

"You all leave in two day." she said looking down. I nodded then spoke.

"What do you mean? Aren't you supposed to be coming along?"

The look on her face told me otherwise.

"You aren't coming are you?"

"No otoño [Autumn] I'm not. You four are adults. You can handle yourselves. Will come and visit, but this wonderful opportunity is one that you need to do on your own without me looking over your shoulder and telling you if it's right or wrong. But when you get down there you better act like you have home training." She told me.

I couldn't help but smile at the woman who gave birth to me.

"Yea ma'am."


After the talk with my mom I had called my friends to inform them of my decision. They were so excited, but I have to admit that I'm nervous.

Two days. I have two days. A sigh left my mouth. I think I should pack tomorrow. We leave Friday. I have no idea what time but I believe its early. I hope I'm doing the right thing.


Hey guys. I'm so sorry for the slow update. I'll try my best to update this story more often. I'm thinking of starting a new book. Anyone who has an idea the let me know please. You'll even be a character in the book. Maybe even a lead role. Love yous to bits and piece

Bye -Terry-

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