"He sounds like an ass"

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A/N:This is a year before season 1 and for the sake of the book Alex is 22

Alex Rossi pov

*beep**beep* I woke up to the god awful sound of my alarm like why can't apple make alarms that don't make me wanna kill myself first thing in the morning.I looked over to my phone looking at the time 6:00 am i guess i have to get up i can't be late on the first day. I dragged myself out of bed and hopped in the shower. 

After i got out i put on my black shirt along with my dress pants and my suit jacket i would have worn my leather jacket but i have to make a good impression on the first day. After i make my coffee i decide to take my blue 1969 chevy camaro convertible because i can't exactly pull up with my bike on my first day. By the time i'm out of the house it's 7:00 and i have to be there by 9:00 so hopefully traffic isn't as bad.

Spencer Reid pov

As i'm about to break my record for how fast i can solve the crossword puzzle in the news Morgan's voice snaps me out of my thoughts

"Hey kid"

"didn't i tell you to stop calling me that i'm 22"

"yea well you're still a kid anyways did you hear about the new guy that's coming in today"

"yea his name is Alex Rossi right"

"yea and he sounds like an ass look at his file. He probably got here because of his daddy probably pulled some of his money to get here"

"He sounds like he would have bullied my in high school"

"yea that was probably because you were 12."

"anyways when is he supposed to be coming in"

"right about now"

and with that the doors open to reveal a woman in a black suit and shirt. she looks no older than 22 and her looks makes every woman jealous and can steal anyone's heart with just one glance. My heart immediately stops once she comes up to me.

Alex Rossi pov

I arrive at the BAU at 8:55 and i decide to go in so i can find SSA hotchner's office. Once i walk into the double doors of the BAU everyone's head turns to me as if i had two heads but i guess that's just because i'm new and then i spot someone who looks about my age talking to someone who is maybe in the late 20s early 30s so i decide to go up to them to ask where i can find Aaron hotchner.

"hello sorry to bother you but i'm Alex Rossi and i'm looking for Aaron hotchner im the new agent." I say

"i- um" the younger looking guy says before being interrupted by the older guy

"sorry for pretty boy over here im derek morgan and hotch's office is right over there." he says while to the office.

"thank you"

"see you later pretty boy" i say walking away

Spencer Reid pov

Seriously "i-umm what was that and did morgan really have to embarrass me in front of her.

"wow i guess alex rossi isn't a he but a she and does pretty boy have a crush." morgan says

"no i dont." i say looking away 

"yea well that interaction 2 minutes ago says otherwise."

Alex Rossi pov

I walk over to SSA hotchner's office and knock twice and hear a voice from the inside say "come in"

Once i walk in he gets up from he seat and extends a hand towards me.

I walk over and say his hand and say 'Alex Rossi"

"Aaron hotchner but you can call me hotch take a seat.""i'm looking at your file here and it says that you've had the most arrests in your old precinct in New york"

"yes sir that's correct i think it was 153 arrests."

"it also says that you caught a few murders."

"yes sir that's right New york is a crazy place i would know i was born and raised there."

"well i believe that you would be a valuable asset. Welcome to the team."

"Thank you sir i say while shaking his hand.

and with everything that happened after that i don't regret joining the team.

A/N:sorry for the bad chapter it'll get better i promise. 

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