chapter two

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Hauwa was in her sister's room shedding tears like tomorrow wouldn't come her best friend was trying to talk to her but it seems the more her best friend talks the more she cries.
"Stop crying,I can't believe it you sacrificed your  happiness for that wawiya and wawayu"fatima said.
"What can I do about it,Fati nothing I am hopeless"she said smiling but the hot tears made its way down her cheeks
"But Hauwa, this isn't fair"fatima Said crying.
"I am going to miss you,if I had known this will happen I would have had some fun time with you but I have tell you something"FATIMA said and they cried a bit.
"What do I tell Abdullah "Hauwa said crying More.
"Actually there is something I have to tell you"fatima said not sure if it was a good idea to tell her now and Hauwa gave her a nod which means she could continue talking.
"Hauwa, Abdullah is married "she said and Hauwa looked at her best friend confused and speechless
"Stop joking around fati"she said not willing to believe.
"I am serious,wait let me show on instagram"Fatima said going through her Instagram, and showed her friend and Hauwa felt every thing fall apart in front of her eyes.
"He probably didn't know that I was following him because he's account is private and you don't do social media but be patient God is watching okay?"Fati tried to explain but Hauwa busted into tears on her friend.
"Why is this happening to me today, what did I do wrong"she cried
"Look,I know you Hauwa you are so strong and God up there knows so he won't forget you"she stopped crying and wiped her face and they were told that ango had come and that they had an hour for the make up then the make up artist started her makeup and well she was a pro and fast, she was done under forty minutes which gave Hauwa time to mentally prepare herself then the makeup artist looked at her and asked worried.
"Are you okay"she asked her
"Yes I am fine,I am just scared"Hauwa half lied she wouldn't lie and say scared to go live with her sister's fiance.
"Don't worry, you will be scared now but when you get to your husband'house you will enjoy it.the lady said and Hauwa faked a smile.
And this familiar lady walks in and yelled Hauwa's name that you can from the other side of the house, and it's her best friend's mom the best friend was behind her.
"Hi Hauwa,how are you I heard everything I am so sorry okay? every thing will be better okay"she said and Hauwa nodded her and hugged and she started hearing singing and they were saying "an dure aure"and her heart was skipping and her best friend and her mom gave her a reassuring smile. She was taken out to where the men were and her and the husband needed to take pictures ,she doesn't even know his name seriously, and they were standing for pictures and the photographer said to move closer but she didn't really bulge but a girl came from behind them and pushed them together.
"C'mon ya Imran hold your wife and smile small joh"the girl yelled and he hesitated but he held her waist frame and she put her hand on his chest which was enough for the picture, few photos were taken with family members she went to her room to sit down before leaving for her husband's house. she was alone and she started hearing "ga baban amariya"and they was a knock on the door and she said to come in and came in her baba and she stood up to go hug him she hugged him so tight, and they both sat down on the bed.
"You know how business has been going lately right?,I want you to stay there that's your new family ,I don't know why Aisha did this but don't worry okay?"her father said as he  watched tears roll down her cheeks and she nodded.
"But dad what is his name"she asked her dad seriously and her dad looked at her and said.
"Imran sudaise Abduljalal indimi"he said and she thought "so my name is Hauwa Imran sudaise Abduljalal indimi"she said to her self.

To her every thing is a night mare,she hopes to wake up from the bed nightmare she was having.

So is this the starting of a new life with a stranger.......

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