New Job

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Saturday, 5:30 pm, 2021

you hear your parents discussing something downstairs, they mention Japan which obviously got you excited.

"Will I get to go back to Japan?" You thought to yourself, 
"What if I get to live there?"
"I'm sure I'll meet so many skaters!" 
"I might find my first skaterboy!"
"I'm so cringy, whatever. They're probably just talking about grandma."

Your grandma lives in Japan, you used to too. Though you had to move out when your dad's friend got him a job at his company. You snapped out of your thoughts when you hear your dad calling for you.

"Y/N!" He shouts,
"What's up?" You say, sliding down the railing.
"I told you not to do that, you know?" He sighs, "Sit down, mum and I need to talk to you."
"Uh, did I do something wrong?" You laugh it off as you grab yourself some water and sit down besides mum now facing dad.

"y/n, we're moving back to Japan." He hesitates saying, though he does at last.
It all came so fast you choked on your water.
"REALLY?!" You stand up, knocking over your cup in excitment.
Your mum frowns.

"By 'we're' dad only meant you and him, I have to stay."  she says, a bit dissapointed.

"HUH? whyyy..." You say, your excitment drowning away.
"Dad got a job in japan, I didn't." 
"That's true, but mum will visit us on the holidays she's off! She has to stay because she has a buisness to keep up." Your dad tries to cheer you up.

You wanted mum to come because, well... she actually wanted you to get a boyfriend who has the same intrests as you. And well, dad didn't like seeing you near boys, especially skaters. Because in his point of view, skateboys are 'troublemakers'. Though you didn't care, you had to act like it. Going back to the present...

"But mummm please don't forget to call everyday! Or well, everytime you can!" You say trying to act happy. 
"Yes sweets! No problem."


Sunday, 3:23 pm, 2021

You were packing your stuff when you realised...

"My skateboards won't fit! They're my memories I can't waste them!" You say while trying to fit your skateboards into your bags .

Your dad came upstairs to tell you we're going in a week, noticing your problem he asks...

"You okay there, kiddo?" 

You sigh, "Yes dad, my skateboards deffo fit!" You say, obvious sarcasm.

"Do you really need all of them?... you can only skate on one at a time can't you?" Your dad says, confused.
"Room decor." You simply say, still struggling.
"I'll get you a suitcase..." He walks off.


Monday, 1:55 pm, 2021

As you're going outside to practice your tricks, you grab your phone to call your bestfriend, Hiro, who you haven't yet told about the whole Japan situation...

Hiro's POV

CALLER: Y/N 🛹💖 :)



(Hiro's lines are in bold)

"Hey y/n! Long time no calls." 

"Yeahh... well, Hiro... I need to ask you something."


"Wait wait, what? No it's not that big of a deal-" 

"Y/n I li-"

"One sec, my dad is coming." 


"Alright, so as I was saying... "


"I'm moving to Japan!"

(Hiro drops their phone in shock of the sudden statement)...

"Hiro? HIROOOO?"

"I'm sorry I- Did I hear that right?" 

"You're moving to JAPAN?"

"Well, yeah? Anyywayyy you said you had something to tell me too, right?"

"Go on then." 

"y/n you're acting like this isn't a big deal! Why are you leaving me so sudden?" 

"I'll tell you later, what did you need to tell me because I have to go !"



"Nothing, it's just that I forgot to tell you that you left your hoodie at my place."

"I'll come and collect it tomorrow!"



"Yeah, bye..."


"This has to be some sick prank of hers again... I swear..." You think to yourself.
"I was gonna tell her how I feel, and she just turned me down? Was it on purpose... I bet it was." You throw your phone at your chair and dig your face into your pillow.

"Maybe she's not into girls." 

(plot twist wowoow" 

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