chapter 1

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"Yay I am going to see my sister! Im going to see my sister!" sange Pinkie Pie.Her and rainbow dash were heading to the train station.

"Remember pinkie, you havent seen your big sis in a long time.....So pull some pretty good pranks on her!"

"Oh silly dashie, I would want to, but then she wouldent give me any of my *takes deep breath* favorite supper dupper really really good candy!"

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"My sister makes the best rock candy, thats even her cutie mark! the red kind is my favorite! Its really cool and its not clear its this dark red, kind of like the one in your mane. Ive tried every liquid I can THINK of like: *takes a huge dramatic breath* milk, water, apple juice, straberry juice......"

"OH look were here!" rainbow cut in.

"Oh were here,..... as i was saying it never tastes right. The only hint shes given me is its thicker than water but not as sweat what the flip is that supposed to be?! Bye dashie ill see you in 2 weeks!" Pinkie literally jumped on the train."Bye dashie ill never forget you!" dash didnt answer but mumbled to herself "thicker than water but not as sweat? OH MY GOD PINKIE THATS BLOOD!!" But pinkie was long gone before she heard it.

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