Pony smile

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Pinkie came out "f-f-flutter shy?" As she finished saying this she ran up to flutter shy and hug her " this can't happen I saw you dying, my sister killed you?"

" WHEW, you had a really bad sist-...* Flutter shy gave blaze the stair*.... I will shut up now..."

Flutter shy stroked Pinky pie's hair and said" they're there things have happened since my death"

" You're here you're really here I am so sorry I didn't I didn't get to save you I am so so so so so so so so so sorry!" Pinkie cried. Then flutter shy whispered in pinkies ear, " I will help you make cupcakes, if you want, Pinkamina" Pinkamina popped out at that instant " really what happened to the sweet flutter shy I used to know .?"

" Oh , sweet Pinkamina, many things have happened ."Fluttershy walked up to the counter and paid for the cupcakes. Then she looked onto the counter and saw the two dozen cupcakes sitting there still hot. " Excuse me are these mine ." Blaze ran behind the counter.

" Yes these are yours have a good day, bye" Blaze said sweetly.

" Thank you, who was it , blaze?"

Saying between grinded teeth "yes it was, blaze" flutter shy took a cupcake out-of-the-box and bit into it .

"Mmm, these are good." Blaze stared as flutter shy swallowed the part of the cupcake . She knew it was made out of ponies.

"Yes.... very good." Blaze was trying her best not to strangle this pony. She, after all , was eating her little sister.

"Oh, blaze I almost forgot!" Pinkamina said " I was making these cupcakes and I found this," Pinkamina gave blaze the tape she found in the cabinet. Blaze turned it on

"Blaze pony, if your hearing this it means I'm dead and gone. If you make me into cupcakes except it and move on"

Flutters said , directly afterwards" oh so you used that pony.to make these? Well there really good!" Flutters picked up another cupcake and are it in one bite.

" I'm..... gonna......KILL YOU!!!!" Blaze ran towards flutter shy holding her pencil, using magic.

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