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The chapters I just posted today I didn't know I didn't post them so there from a few months ago.......Hey ponies, it's Pinkamina! Just so you know I will be rewriting this in a new book I will tell you when the first chapter comes out. Also the reason why I am re writing this is because I was rereading this book I have made way ALOT OF MISTAKES. Some of the story makes no sense and that makes me feel really bad cause reasons. It will be kind of the same story but it will be better. I promise, Pinkie promise

Cross my heart

hope to fly

stick a cupcake in my eye.

Ps I kept in mind I wanna shout out to blazing ice pony one of many best friend who commented on every chapter and kitty_princess 2205 (I did keep in mind that she has been reading this I pinkie promise ,again, she will get to know when the re write comes out first thing)

So hope to see anypony who is reading this in my new rewrite soon.

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