u know what? i messed up the chapter names.

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Pinkie and rarity left the spa, pinkies hair was beautifully curled, but it didn't look  like pinkie, it looked like baby-doll ringlets. Rarity was having a fit over it while she was walking pinkie home,'THE ONE TIME I ASK THEM TO DO SOMETHING  SUPER EASY THEY DO IT PRETTY....., and ..... umm,......, ALL I ASKED WAS TO HAVE A CURLLED UP MESS!!!! I JUST WANT THE OLD PINKIE BACK!!!!!"

Next up was applejack, not because pinkie wanted to see her pinkamena wanted to. " So sugar cube, do you have my water that i need? by the way nice hair!"

"Shut up and,of course, i got a unicorn to make the blood clear so Big mack  and Apple bloom dont suspect anything.... I cant help you water these trees, did you hire anypody?"

"yeah she is a unicorn crystal pony, you dont see that speshies often,  i forgot her name somthing ice?'

"Oh is it that new mare in town, Blaazingice pony?"

"Yeah thats her name!" 

(authors note: Hey blaze :3 i told you you would be in the story! 4 u pplz who r like wtf moment blazingicepony is one of my pffs go cheack her out!)

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