Chapter 4

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Smut warning.

"Harry, can you stay after class for a moment, please?" Harriet managed to call out over the sound of chairs scraping against the floor and inaudible chatting as her students gathered up their things and began exiting the class.

When hearing her question Harry's eyes met Ms Dawson's from across the room. His head nodding in acknowledgement as his face washed with a curious frown before Harriet simply turned and walked over to her desk. Her dainty fingers starting to flick through the papers on her desk, her mouth puckering in concentration.

When Harry reached the front of the class he allowed himself to silently study Harriet as she continued to root through the piles on her desk. His eyes carefully taking in the sweet curves and dips of her body as they fitted perfectly in her skin-tight maroon coloured midi-skirt. Her rather full chest covered by a black satin button-up shirt, which revealed the creamy skin of her chest that was peppered with freckles. Her glossy red hair tossed up into a lazy ponytail, showing off her long neck and protruding collarbones.

She was attractive.

Even though she was his teacher Harry couldn't deny that.

But Ms Dawson was a woman. She wasn't like the immature doe eyed girls that Harry went to school with.

She was mature, independant, confident.

And sexy as hell.

Harry's hormones couldn't stop him from seeing that even if he wanted to.

And he probably wasn't the only boy in school who noticed it either.

With the room now empty of the other students, Harry allowed himself to patiently linger near Harriet's desk. His hand adjusting one of the straps of his brown rucksack on his shoulder, shifting the weight as he casually licked his lips.

"Ah-ha." Harriet declared softly when she tugged a piece of paper out of the pile she had been going through, finally moving away from the shit-heap on her desk. "Sorry," she said sheepishly when she saw Harry's eyes glance at the mess. "I can be a bit un-organised sometimes." She admitted before sighing out a slightly embarrassed laugh. Her eyes locking on to Harry, who gave her a somewhat nervous smile in return, the dimples in his cheeks popping.

"How are you doing?" She then asked after a few seconds of silence, completely throwing Harry off with the casualness of her question. Her query seeming somehow off-subject, even though Harry had no idea why she wanted to speak with him in the first place.

"Um... Fine." Harry answered slowly, his head tilting a little as he focused on her curiously. "Why?"

"I just wanted to check in see if you were doing okay." Harriet shrugged casually, her tone slightly heightened. "You've seemed a little distracted these past couple of weeks."

"I have?" Harry quipped back.

Harriet stared at him for a moment, watching as he rolled his lips together and awkwardly shifted in his spot.

"Your paper, from last week." Harriet decided to say after a few moments, her words slow as she finally gesturing to the piece of paper in her hand, Harry's eyes falling down to it. "It seemed a bit... rushed. Sloppy even. Which isn't like you at all. I mean, I know I've only been teaching you for a few months now, but your work is normally much better than this, Harry."

Harry gripped hold of the paper that Harriet had held out, his eyes scanning over his own typed up words. His mind instantly going back to the night he wrote it, the memory so vividly playing out in his head.

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