Chapter 6

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That night, as Harriet lay in bed, her room enveloped in darkness and her eyes fixed on the ceiling above her... she thought about Harry.

She didn't want to— of course she didn't.

She's not a bad person.

She's not some kind of pervert who lusts for an underage boy.

A very beautiful underage boy...

Harriet shook her head as a frown adorned her face, her body rolling over so she was now lay on her side. A heavy sigh rushing out of her and she tried to forget about Harry.

And for a moment of peace, her mind actually did... but not for long.

'Any guy would be lucky to have you...'


'You're very beautiful...'


Just hearing the sound of his voice in her head, now made her body hum with anticipation.

And the way he looked at her when he said those words. The tint of embarrassment on his face. The flicker in his eyes, the intensity of it.

Harriet brought her hands up to rub at her face, her fingers then drifting into her hair as she tugged on her roots. She felt so shameful for feeling so tingly when she thought about her moment with Harry. It felt so wrong. It felt so bad.

It was illegal.

So why the fuck did it feel so good?

Why couldn't she control her thoughts?

Sure, Harriet had clearly noticed how attractive Harry was.

But it was wrong! So wrong! And she most definitely should not have said:

'I mean, you a very handsome boy, Harry. Any girl at this school would be lucky'

Harriet groaned out-loud. The sound vibrating from her throat and escaping into the calm lonely atmosphere of her bedroom as she rolled over onto her back again. Her face wincing in the night at she cringed at her own memory.

How could she have been so stupid?

How could she have said that?!

It was as if she was just asking to get fired from her job. Or worse... arrested.

However, after some time passed Harriet managed to calm her thoughts down. Convincing herself that it was a nothing. Harry was just a school boy with a crush, and Harriet had been through a very gruelling divorce, so she just had a flattering moment of weakness.

She couldn't remember the last time anyone had ever paid her a compliment, let alone a good-looking boy. So it was bound to make her feel good.

That's it.

That's all it was.

So with the inappropriate thoughts in her mind and the anxiety churning her stomach slowly easing, she finally found herself dosing off. Her heavy eyelids admitting defeat as they fluttered closed, her breathing becoming heavy as she slowly began to slip—

The sound of her phone vibrating on the bedside table next to her jolted her awake.

Her eyes flying open as she saw the glow from her phone momentarily light up her pale ceiling. Her eyebrows sinking into an irritated frown before she rolled over and lazily grabbed her phone from the cabinet. The intent being to put it on 'do not disturb' so she didn't get any alerts through, hoping she would then be able to fall back to sleep. Guilt free.

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