Banquet Fiasco

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It was a lovely summer evening in the Mushroom Kingdom. Most citizens had returned home and all throughout the kingdom it was silent and calm. Inside of Peach's castle there was Mario, Luigi, Daisy, Rosalina -and even Pauline- joining Princess Peach for a banquet. They were all seated at a huge table that was covered in lots of dishes filled with food. The food consisted of turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and more. The group began to help themselves to the wonderful meal in front of them. They had practically talked as they ate because they were eating so fast. Peach appeared to be the only one trying to be ladylike, seeing as Rosalina, Daisy, and Pauline were practically shoving food down their throats and not using proper manners. Mario and Luigi were hardly using there manners either. Peach decided that she wouldn't use manners either, seeing as no one else was. That was pretty out of character for Peach, because she always used her manners because she is a Princess.

The group ate the large feast in less than an hour. They talked for about ten minutes after until Mario and Luigi had to go. Now it was just the four girls left. Since they'd finished the meal, the decided to go to Princess Peach's bedroom. When they got there, they all sat on Peach's bed and talked the evening away. They talked until about 9:00.

Rosalina began to notice that her gut was bloated, and it was hurting as well. Suddenly, her stomach let out a growl which was luckily very quiet and they all hardly heard it, but Rosalina could feel it. Her stomach let out another growl, this time it was loud. They all looked at Rosalina, and her cheeks began to turn pink. "Are ya alright there Rose?" Daisy asks. "Yeah I'm good." Rosalina says in response. She waited a few minutes to excuse herself to the restroom, that way no one would suspect anything. Once Rosalina got to the restroom, she slid her white thong down her legs and quickly sat on the toilet seat, trying to get it all in the toilet bowl. Rosalina leaned forward due to the pain. She let out a few loud farts before a bout of diarrhea came out. She had ran the faucet , attempting to cover up the loud noises but it didn't work. A couple of toad looked at the bathroom door, questioning each other about what was happening in there. Rosalina heard them and her face was turning red.

Pauline noticed that her stomach was hurting. It began grumbling and Pauline realized she needed to get to a toilet. She looked at the time and said: "It's getting late, I'd better get home." After saying goodbye, Pauline quickly left the castle and was in the courtyard. Her stomach let out some pretty loud growls and she decided that she could no longer hold it. She walked over to a bush and sighed. She didn't want to do this, but there was no other option. She pulled down her panties and pulled up her dress. She entered a squatting position and liquid diarrhea poured out of her. This went on her about a minute, and diarrhea getting on the concrete ground. Once she'd finished, she pulled up her panties and quickly returned home, feeling quite ashamed about her actions.

Princess Daisy's felt a sudden urge to use the restroom. She quickly excused herself and began to search for a restroom. A blue toad walked past her, and she asked where the bathroom was. "The restroom is down the hallway, but it is occupied at the moment." "Is there another one?" "Nope." The toad walked away. Daisy sighed and trudged back down the hallway. She clutched her stomach and bent forward slightly. She waited for a couple of minutes, desperately clenching her ass cheeks together to make sure she didn't soil herself. Her efforts did not work and mudslide of mushy diarrhea was expelled into her panties and ran down her legs. She pooped so much that her panties had bulge in the back. She was very embarrassed and felt her cheeks heat up. She waited outside of the bathroom so she could try and clean up before leaving.

Peach felt her stomach growl a few times. She new she needed a toilet but Rosalina was already there, and Daisy was there too. She let out a few wet farts and decided to look around the room for something to use. She looked in her closet and found a paper bag. She placed it on the floor for a moment, taking off her panties and lifting up her dress. She grabbed the bag and held it under her bum. She went into a squatting position and let out chunky, yet liquid-y bouts of diarrhea. Once she'd finished, the bag was already halfway full. Peach's face heated up with shame. She rolled the top of the bag down and shoved it deep into her closet. It smelled awful. She closed the door and the smell sort of went away. She quickly slid her panties back on and sat on her bed awkwardly because she hadn't cleaned her bum.

Rosalina finished using the toilet and her stomach wasn't as bloated any more. She sprayed the toilet -which luckily flushed- with cleaner to make the terrible smell go away. She decided that she'd let it sit while she washed her hands. Once the bathroom smelled nice again, she left and saw Daisy waiting outside. Daisy's hands were behind her, clutching her rear. Her face was pink and there was a noticeable smell coming from her direction. Rosalina quickly looked away and walked to Peach's room, quickly explained that it was getting late and she needed to leave. Daisy on the other hand went into the bathroom to clean up. She decided she would just throw her panties away at that point, and wrapped it in toilet paper and put it in the trash bin. Then she wiped herself clean and walked her hands. She quickly sprayed the bathroom so it didn't smell. She awkwardly went to Peach's room and explained that she needed to go home. Then she quickly left.

Words: 1044

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