Rosalinas Laxative

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Rosalina was in her guest room at Peach's castle, getting ready to go the café with her friends. She figured that she should wear something casual so she wore a plain white shirt and light blue shorts, along with some white flats. She looked in the mirror and began to brush her hair. Rosalina stopped abruptly when she heard someone frantically pounding on her door.

"Rose please hurry, we're going to be late."

"I'm nearly done!"

Rosalina quickly put down the brush and grabbed her small white handbag. She took a quick glance at her self in the mirror before exiting the room. Outside of the room was Princess Peach, who was wearing a light pink dress that had white dots. She had her arms folded across her chest, indicating that she was growing impatient.

"I'm ready now."

"Good, I don't want to be late."

Peach and Rosalina quickly made their way downstairs and made their way out of the castle. The café was quite close so Peach and Rosalina decided to walk. They walked quite briskly due to them leaving a little late. Along the way, they discussed things like work and memories they had. Once they arrived at the café, they saw Mario, Luigi, and Daisy sitting at a table with six seats, all chatting with each other. Peach and Rosalina walked over to them and sat down.

After chatting for quite a bit, the group all decided that they should order some food and drinks. They all were going to have coffee and cinnamon rolls. Rosalina went up to order the food and drinks. Daisy decided that she would tell her friend about her plan.

"Hey guys! I think it would be funny if I put some laxatives in Rosalina's coffee!" Daisy said, in an almost whispering tone.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. What if she finds out and gets mad at you?" Peach said.

"She's not gonna find out! She hasn't even had coffee or normal food yet!"

What Daisy had said was true. Rosalina hadn't tried human food before, she ate nothing but star bits. This would be her first time trying actual food, so she wouldn't know if it tasted off. It was perfect for Daisy prank.

After a little bit, Rosalina came back with the groups coffee and food. They all grabbed a cinnamon roll and their coffee. But before Rosalina could take a bite of her cinnamon roll, Daisy asked her to get some napkins. Rosalina agreed and began looking for napkins. Daisy quickly sprinkled some laxatives in Rosalina's coffee. She was so fast that her friends hardly even saw, even though they were sitting right there. A minute later, Rosalina came back with Daisys napkins. She handed them to her and began to drink her coffee, along with the rest of the group. After Daisy finished a few sips of her coffee she asked Rosalina how the coffee tasted. Rosalina told her that it tasted good which causes Daisy to smirk a little, indicating that she was up to something. Rosalina thought nothing of it and continued to eat and drink like how her friends were.

After she finished her coffee, Rosalina felt an odd feeling in her stomach. It was painful and her stomach was churning. She chose to ignore it, thinking that it was nothing. Soon, there was a feeling of pressure in her gut. It was light, so light that Rosalina hardly noticed. But soon it grew stronger. Rosalina's stomach let out a growl. She placed a hand on her stomach and had to excuse herself to the restroom. She quickly walked to the bathroom, the feeling in her gut growing more intense with every step. When she arrived to the bathroom she uncontrollably expelled a few loud farts before getting in a stall. She pulled down her pants and underwear, not bothering to cover that toilet seat. She began to let out lots of liquid based diarrhea. She let out a few moans and groans as she dumped her load. It was quite painful. Rosalina hadn't experienced anything quite like this before so she didn't know what was happening.

After five minutes, she had finished dumped her large load into the toilet. She wiped herself, washed her hands and returned to the table. Daisys chuckled to herself, seeing Rosalina slightly embarrassed expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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