Daisys Food Poisoning

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(Warning! This story contains diarrhea. If you're not into this stuff, click away now.)

It was a calm evening all throughout Sarasaland. It was around 5:30, meaning that the citizens were all having supper. This includes Princess Daisy, who was cooking mushroom stew in her kitchen. It was made from purple mushrooms that Daisy had gotten from the store earlier that day. She was curious about the color because most of the mushrooms in the kingdom were red, green, or orange. Soon, she finished cooking the stew and put it all in a bowl. Then, she placed some of the stew in a smaller bowl and grabbed a glass of water. She walked to the table and began to devour the stew. It tasted wonderful. Daisy liked it so much that she had the entire bowl of stew in half an hour. Once she finished her last serving of stew she leaned back in her chair.

Suddenly, her stomach began to hurt really bad. Daisy sat up and rubbed her stomach for a minute. Her stomach let out an audible grumble and Daisy decided that she would lie in her bed. She got up and walked to her bedroom. When she arrived, she flopped down on her bed and groaned in pain.

As time went on the pain in her stomach began to grow worse and her stomach began to expel loud growls. She began to feel a strong pressure in her gut but she tried to ignore. She kept laying in her bed until she uncontrollably let out a few wet farts and realized that she needed a bathroom. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom.

She got to the bathroom and quickly opened the lid of the toilet. She pulled down her panties and quickly sat down, expelling a large amount of liquid-y diarrhea. This continued for quite a bit and the Princess let out moans and groans of pain as she dumped her massive load. Shortly afterward, she got up from the toilet but quickly sat back down when she felt more pressure in her gut. She began to expel more diarrhea and groans.

After a little while, she cleaned herself up and went back to her room. She decided that she would never have purple mushrooms again.

Words: 385

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