Peachs Accident

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For nearly the millionth time, Bowser had kidnapped Princess Peach and locked her in the dungeon. She was kept in a cage and was being guarded by a magikoopa. The magikoopa wasn't monitoring Peach, he was making sure that Mario didn't come in. Peach tried to open the lock with a hairpin but she was unsuccessful. She tried once more but it broke. "Darn it!" Peach exclaimed, quickly covering her mouth. Language like that certainly wasn't very ladylike. The magikoopa looked at Peach but quickly turned away. Peach sat on the floor of the cage. She had nothing else to help her escape. She decided that she would wait for Mario to arrive like he always did, but he was taking awhile this time.

As time went on, Peach's stomach began to hurt and make grumbling noises. She rubbed it a bit in an attempt to make the pain and noises stop. This had only worked for a little bit until eventually she felt a strong pressure in her gut and the pain came back. The grumbles also came back and were a lot worse, they became louder. Magikoopa could hear them. He looked at Peach a few times but stopped eventually, knowing that it was Peach. This made Peach feel embarrassed. She hoped Mario would arrive soon so she could use a toilet. A few minutes had passed when suddenly, she felt the need to fart. She tried to hold it in but she eventually released. Luckily it was quiet, but not the second time. The second one was so loud that magikoopa looked at her, seemingly more embarrassed than Peach. He quickly looked away, trying to not embarrass her further. The pressure in Peach's gut began to grow stronger and she had the urge to poop. She figured that holding it in until Mario came was the best option. Pooping on her panties or the floor would be very un-ladylike. She was doing a good job of holding it in, because she felt the pressure go away. But it only left for a sliver of a second and came right back, even worse than before. The Princess stood up and was slightly bent forward. She clutched her bum, trying to stop herself from soiling herself. This was working for a little bit but eventually Peach couldn't hold it in any longer. Mushy diarrhea was expelled into Peach's panties. Audible squelching noises could be heard as she filled her panties up. She filled them up so much that it was trickling down her legs and a little bit got into the floor. "This is so un-ladylike." Peach thought, feeling quite embarrassed. She disliked the feeling of warm, mushy diarrhea in her panties. There was a noticeable stench coming from the Princess, but the mess was hidden by her long dress.

Luckily, not long after the incident, Mario had come to Peach's rescue. He got her out of the cage and began to notice the smell. "What is that awful smell?" He asked. "I'm not sure." Peach said, her face flushing red from embarrassment. Mario took Peach back to her castle safely, where she was able to clean herself up.


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