Just A Rant

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Okay so guys this is kind of an A/N but I need to let this shit out. I have always read things saying that it's a good thing to be friends with people who are a different age, race, gender, sexuality, heritage and things like that. Well I have this friend who is 6 years older than me and I was telling my mom about him. All I told her was that I said hi to him in the halls and she asked how old he was and I told her. She said that I shouldn't be hanging out with people that much older than me because that's dangerous. Um, excuse me, but anyone in this world can be dangerous. For all I know my step sister is a fucking serial killer. Her husband, my step dad, is 9 years older than her. Wow mom, what a hypocrite you are. That's cool. But whatever, he is still my friend. And what bothers me is that she only doesn't want me being his friend because she is afraid I'm going to do something bad. Again, um, excuse me, but I'm not like that. Yeah, I have self harmed and multiple thoughts of suicide roam in my mind day to day but I don't do drugs, drink, or have sex with people. I'm 12!!!!! God fucking dammit, have a little faith in your kid mom!!! Sorry guys I know you don't really care but it had to come out... People like that are what's wrong today. We need to grow learning from people who are older, have different families than us, different experiences, you know?? Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to have these boring ass stories to tell my kids. I want to tell them that I actually had fun as a teenager, not just sat at home texting people my age about boring things. I want to tell them I played Call Of Duty at 3 a.m. while eating French toast with an 18 year old. No, we didn't have sex, we played video games and watched little kid movies!!! Not all teens and adults are out for sex! Not all of them are bad! Not all of them meet the expectations of this god awful generation!! Please, next time your parents or any one criticizes you about your friend choices, tell them I said that you don't want to grow up being told to have a fun life, but not being able to have one because of your parents. My Step Dad personally hung out with people that were older than him and he fucking jumped on trains and rode across the state with them and he turned out fantastic!! And he tells us these stories of when he was my age and he doesn't regret a day of it... Only thing i regret is telling my mom about myself. Hell, i may have known her all my life but she has only known me for a part of hers. How much do I trust her with my personal things? ABSOLUTELY NOT AT ALL!!! I will tell her something secret and personal and next thing I know the whole damn country knows about it! I'm done with that! Sorry guys, like I said, you probably don't care but I wanted to add something else. If you ever need to let something out or if you ever need to just talk, message me or email me. Comment if you want my email or number. Please guys, sometimes it's okay to go against your parents.

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