Chapter Four ~ Sweet Creature

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nna woke up, feeling like she was lighter, like she weighed less. She knew it was all in her head, but somehow, talking to Harry the day before had made her feel this way. He had sat and listened. He'd taken her outside after she'd let her guards down, and he took his physical guards down, held her, kissed her head and let her cry on his white t-shirt. She knew he hadn't judged her, and his words were with her now, that he'd be there for her. She got up and made herself a cup of tea, before putting some toast in the toaster and sat down to watch some TV. She had no plans for today, just to be lazy and pinch herself that someone had really done that yesterday. She heard the letterbox go and got up; junk mail. She picked it up to put in the bin, and saw that something was in the letterbox, obviously delivered before she'd gotten up. It was a slip of scrap paper, with someone's writing on.

Sweet Creature,

Thank you for opening up to me yesterday, I'm honoured that you felt I was the one you could let it all go to.
believe me when I tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met, truly.
I went straight from our rendevouz at the back of Beachwood, to the studio and I wrote something.
You inspired me, you allowed me to write a song without even having to think and I can't wait for you to hear it one day.
I've written this because I don't yet have you number, but I'd know this yellow door anywhere.
I want to meet with you tonight, I want you to wear your favourite dress, do your hair how you like it and wear
however much makeup you'd like, and I know you'll be the prettiest girl out tonight whatever you decide to wear.
I want to make you feel so special tonight and I won't take no for an asnwer, ok?
Be outside at 8pm, I'll be the guy in the white t-shirt, ready to make you feel as wonderful as you don't realise or see you are.
I'm feeling so much since meeting you, I don't even know where to start.
So let's start TOGETHER tonight.
Have a lovely day, Anna.
Harry x

She held the scrumpled peice of paper against her chest and sighed. Nobody had ever made her feel like this. He cared about her, after only knowing her a few days. How was she ever going to explain how she felt? She took the letter upstairs and read it over and over, hearing his husky, low voice as she read it, and his gravelly chuckle, at the funny parts. She felt herself start to get emotional, at just how precious this new found feeling was, and she just wanted it to last forever.

Harry sat tapping his fingers on the table, anxious. "Mate, what's up?" Louis asked, sitting next to him.
"What if she doesn't want to come?"
"Trust me, she will. I don't know what you two spoke about yesterday, but that song tells me she's an incredible girl, she's going to come, H"
He looked at Louis and nodded, "You're right, she is incredible. Too incredible to be true"
"Well then, you're a very lucky guy"

He went back to his apartment and had a shower, putting his Tom Ford, Tobacco Vanille on, and fluffing around with his hair. He put on a white t-shirt, with his black skinny jeans, and gold ankle boots. He checked that his cross chain was still on, it always gave him a sense of hope. And he locked his apartment up, praying that she would be waiting oustide for him.

Anna was sat in her dressing gown, hair wet from her shower, and nails freshly painted pastel green. She sprayed her Stella McCartney perfume on, and looked at her bare face in the mirror. It was her best week for skin, not too covered in spots. She sighed. She chose her favourite dress, a retro, 70's style mini dress, and out on her gold Bowie boots. She spun around, her legs shone and her hips seemed to make the dress ripple like a wave. She sat infront of her mirror, and applied some moisturiser and then her makeup, putting a little extra on than normal, but she still looked natural and fresh. She dried her hair with her hairdryer and it curled back into it's normal state. She prayed hairspray over it, fiddling it through her deinty fingers, to make the roots pop. She gripped a few bits back, and made sure it was energised. She always wore her nan's ring, her ring she got when she was 14, and a ring she bought last year, after she got back to her normal self. But she put on an extra ring, on her thumb, one her mum gave her, and it always gave her hope. She looked in the mirror, almost not recognising herself. She looked like she was glowing, like she'd found a new found happiness, something she never thought she'd find, ever. She put on her lipstick and put it in her little bag she was taking with her, turned her bedroom light off, and went downstairs. She had fifteen minutes, so she paced around, questioning what she was doing. She must be crazy. But she loved it.

Her phone went off: Jenny.
"hey" she picked up, anxious that she'd have to turn down having the boys or have to cancel on Harry.
"hey A! You alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm um, I'm actually really good. You ok?"
Her sister paused for a second. "Ans, what's going on? I haven't heard you this happy in a while, you sound like... well, you sound like you."
Anna stopped pacing, went silent and smiled. "I'm so happy, Jen. I really am. I can't really talk about how this has happened right now, I'm meeting someoen in ten minutes. I... I feel good, I feel really good"
Her sister breathed a sigh of relief down the phone and said, "Ans, I'm so over the moon. I don't know what the hell's happened, but I know damn well that I'm loving it and can't wait for you to tell me. I'll let you go then, miss popular. I was only calling to see if you wanted takeaway with us tonight, but it seems you're otherwise engaged" she sounded smutten and cheeky.
Anna laughed, "That would've been lovely, Jen, but yes, I do have plans."
"Have a lovely evening, sis, and be careful. Me and Sammy are always on the end of the phone, day or night, OK?"
"I know, love you guys. Kiss the boys for me."
"Will do, bye love you"
"Love you Jen. Bye"
She put the phone down, smiled, and sighed. She almost felt as though she was dreaming. Like she was watching this all on TV or reading it in one of her books. But no, this was really happening. To her.
She went outside and locked the door. 7:56. She sat on her front step, tapping her phone. She kept checking the time, no sign of him. 7:58.

Harry swerved right, knowing exactly where he was going. The yellow door was calling. He could smell Anna like she was next to him, and his heart raced at the thought of seeing her sat on the step. he prayed to God that's what he'd find. He pulled up and walked down the road. And ther she was, sat bewildered on her front step. Phone in hand, lips biting together, and when she looked up, the most beautiful smile.

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