Chapter Eight - Should We Just Search Romantic Comedies On Netflix?

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nna opened the back door and inhaled the familiar scent. Freshly cut grass, rape seeds, and sweet flowers. It was the peak of summer and she was in her elelment. She was only in her thin pyjamas, enjoying the tingling of the sun on her skin. She sipped her cup of coffee and sat down on the warm grass.

"Morning, beautiful." she heard Harry say, as she turned around to see him walking towards her. She grinned.
"Was last night worth the wait then?"
"Well worth the wait." Anna smiled and took his hand.
"It was more than worth the wait!" he smirked and she giggled.
"Are your mum and Gemma excited?"
"Mum messaged me at ridiculous o'clock saying Gem had stayed at hers last night so they could leave early this morning together."
Anna smiled, "What time are they getting here?"
"About four hours."
She nodded, "Okay. Well I need to go to the shops and get stuff for dinner. What should I make?"
"Hmm, not sure. They both eat anything, well Gemma doesn't eat meat."
"Right, you decide then greedy boy."
"You know what they would love?"
"What's that?"
"You're tacos!"
"It's a date."

Anna showered while Harry stripped the bed, a job he didn't mind doing if Anna got a break. He smiled as she walked out, wrapped in a towel and her hair tight in a turban.
"What?" she giggled.
"What about me?"
"You're even more beautfiul to me now, if that's even possible."
She giggled, "Well the feeling's mutual Styles." she said, as he put his arms around her. She placed a small kiss on his lips. "I would stay but I need to go and buy your tacos."
"About that."
"Yeah?" she said, opening her draw and getting out her clothes.
"I don't want you going on your own, but I can't come without talking to management, so I asked Lou to take you."
"Lou, as in your stylist Lou?"
"Harry, I've never met her!" she said, putting on her underwear under her towel.
"It's okay, she said she'd come over and have a cup of tea with us first and then take you. She's going to bring Lux, her daughter and she'll stay here with me while you go out. Is that okay?"
"God. Yeah, okay. It would've been nice to discuss it maybe before talking to her, I can't exactly say no now can I?"
"Sorry, love. you're right. I can call her if you want, tell her to stay at home?"
"Don't be silly, I'd like some company." she smiled and he kissed her head.
"Hey, Harry?" she said before he left. "Thank you."
"What for?"
"Protecting me, sorry for snapping."
"Don't apologise, Anna. That's my job." he smiled and walked out.

Anna picked out one of her favourite outfits; her long lilac denim dungareed with a vintage white tshirt underneath. She wore this with her high tops, and threw her hair up in a messy bun. She did her makeup as quickly but as beautiful as she always did, doing everything right but not looking as though she's tried, just natural and it worked. She sprayed her perfume over herself and grabbed her phone.
"Well, would you look at that? I left you like fifteen minutes ago and look!" he gasped, as she came into the kitchen.
"I just hate being away from you for too long!" she said and pretended to bottom lip.
"You looked like Joey then." Harry smiled and brushed his finger over her nose.
Anna smiled internally at the fact Harry had just brought up her nephew. It just made him even more perfect that he took an interest in her and the things that she liked. He didn't just keep her all to himself, as much as he wanted to. He asked questions, he did things wihtout being asked and made comments without even trying that made Anna feel loved. She felt like he was the big part of her that had been missing for so long. He'd included her family in his conversations he'd had with his mum and sister on the phone, and she loved that.

"Lou will be here any minute."
"Okay, what will Lux want to drink?"
"Erm, probably just squash? She turns two in September."
"Like Joey. Well, he's turning one in September."
Harry smiled and there was a knock at the door. Anna jumped up from her seat and walked to the door with Harry, opening it to be met with Lou and Lux in her arms. Lou was a slim, smiley woman, with bleached blonde hair that she's clipped up on top of her head, and her arms had a few tattoos over them. She was in all black, something she was used to as she could blend in this way, but she owned it. Today she wore black jeans, black vans and a vest top. She didn't stop smiling, ever. "Hiya!" she said cheerfully. She had a thick northen accent that fit her loud personality perfectly.
"Hi!" Anna said with a huge grin. "Please, come in!"
The mother and daughter walked in and followed Harry to the kitchen while Anna shut the front door.
"Where can I dump this? Sorry, having a baby means a bulk load of nappies and toys!" Lou said, holding a big black baby bag.
"Oh, do not worry! Here." Anna said, taking the bag and putting it over on a chair.
"I have to say," Lou said, "I'm surprised."
"With what?" Harry asked.
"Well, that you both look so settled and in love." Anna and Harry giggled and he put an arm around her.
"I keep him busy!" Anna said and Lou laughed, "I bet."
"Please. I'm parched!"
Anna ran the sink and filled her moustard kettle up. "How do you take it?"
"Milk and one sugar, please."
"Does Lux want anything?" Anna asked, smiling at the little girl who sat on her mum's lap.
"Um, I don't suppose you have like fruit shoots or anything?" Lou laughed.
"You'd be surprised." Harry said.
"Here." Anna said and pulled one of Noah's drinks from her fridge.
"Wow. You have a secret kid Harry hasn't told me about?" Lou laughed pretending to look around with her eyes.
"No. Anna has two nephews who she has a lot. She's like a mum."
"It's me dream job." Anna laughed.
"I can see it, I really can!" Lou said and Anna smiled.
They sat at the kitchen table, drinking tea and talking.
"I'm so happy Harry found you."
"AH, what makes you say that?"
"Well, he needs someone like you. I can't tell you how much I despise the girls who've messed him about in the past. Pretending to be genuine just for some publicity. Sick."
"I just don't get that. It's not exactly grand being papped. If you're in it, be in it for the right reasons. Not that I know much." Anna smiled.
"Lou is a bit protective if you hadn't noticed."
"Too right!" Anna said and winked at Lou.

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