When you insecure Pt.1

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Just reminder that all you batches is beautiful!💞

You sat on the side of Zen's practice. He invited you to show you how hard he works. But, you couldn't help the knot forming in your stomach, seeing him with his other co-star. They were indeed a female, and good looking. She looked so flawless, and so beautiful. How could you be better than her? The way she was dancing with Zen was amazing. You couldn't be as talented as that. Zen looked good with her too. They looked perfect, two perfect people together. What did Zen find so amazing about you?

You got up from your spot, and walked out. You stood in the hallway, trying to stop your tears from falling. You notice the mirror next to you, and look in it. 'Ugly', 'Disgusting', 'Gross'. You told yourself. Your tears start to fall and you wipe your eyes. You slouch your back against the wall, and sit down. You hug your knees, and hide your face in them. You sob quietly to yourself.

"Babe?" You look up to see Zen looking down at you. You hide your face in your knees again. Zen crouches to your level, "Hey. What's wrong?" He grabs your shoulders softly. You look up at him, his face looked so concern. He lays his hands on your cheeks, and wipes your tears with his thumb. "It's nothing." You replied blandly. "It can't be nothing if it's making you cry. Come on, tell me." He replies.

"What do you find attractive about me?" You ask bluntly. "What?" Zen became confused. "What do you find so special about me compared to other girls?" You ask trying not cry. "Jagi." Zen hugs you, "You helped me be the person I am today. If it weren't for you, I don't know where I'd be. And you make me so happy. I love you for you. Not because of how you look."

You looked at the photo of Yoosung and Rika. Yoosung always talked about how amazing she was, and he once even said you were just like her. He stopped though. But, you couldn't help but feel insecure. How could you ever compare to her? She looked beautiful, and from what Yoosung said, she did so much. You weren't as amazing as that. You can't hold parties, you suck at social interaction, and you thought you weren't even beautiful.

So how could Yoosung even come to think of you just like her? You eyes water, and a tear lands on the piture. You set it down and cried into your hands. 'I'm not good enough. I'll never be enough.' You thought to yourself. You cry harder and louder, feeling the bottle finally break.

You hear the door to the bedroom slam open, "(Y/N)!" You saw Yoosung in the door away. He just got back home from school, when he heard you crying. He runs over to you, and grabs your wrists. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?!" Yoosung looks you up and down for any marks. "No. I'm fine." You look down. "Then, why were you crying?" Yoosung asked concerned. Yoosung heard ruffling underneath him. He looked down, and saw the photograph underneath his knee.

He picked up at the picture, "Why were you looking at this?" He asked. You hide your face in your knees. "I'm sorry. I'll never be as good as she was. I'm not even that pretty. I don't why you like me so much." You spill out. You felt Yoosung hug you, "That's not true. Your enough for me. You helped me become a better person. I love you because, your so kind and sweet. I think your the prettiest girl out there."

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