Demon Slayer AU: Part 2

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South looked at Vatican, was he Still salty over that one hashira that killed his lower moon friend?-
Yes, Vatican was, he really was, turning away and left, huffing and slamming the door shut, leaving south Who was awkwardly smiling at spain
"I'm dearly sorry about him, he's going through a little meltdown-"
The door suddenly flew open, a vase flying at south's head, which he dodged barely, and caught, and closed the door again, huffing a little.

Spain glared distrustfully at South, sitting up and sighing with relief when he realized he could move. He flinched as the door flew open, staring at the vase and the demon with confusion.

South chuckled awkwardly
"Hes having a little meltdown as I said-"
He said, putting the vase down, and say next to Spain
"You will be my food from now on."

"Fuck you." Spain muttered, scooting away from South.

"No thanks"

"Whatever. Just kill me already"

"Hhmmmm no thanks"

"Why? Aren't I just food to you things? The longer you keep me alive the more chance I have to escape, you know."

"Hhhhhhmmmm now that you mention it, I am a little hungry"
South said, tapping his clawed fingers on his chin and ripped Spain's arm off, and chuckled.

South healed Spain, only a little and turned his wound into a nub, leaving Spain with only one arm and ate the thing he took, even eating the bone like it was a candy cane.

Spain held back a scream as his arm was ripped off, pain shooting up from his shoulder. He glared at South, his breathing now ragged and uneven. He knew he had to escape as soon as possible before he lost even more limbs.

South chuckled, wiping away any blood on his mouth and sat Spain down on his lap, burying his face into the crook of the others neck

Spain scowled, pushing South back with his remaining arm

South gave him a smile, standing up and carrying Spain to a room he could use

Spain took this as an opportunity to escape. He kicked South, jumping out of the demon's arms before running away as fast as he could. And by 'as fast as he could', I mean he somehow managed to run even faster than he did earlier. He was going faster than the eye could see, his focus being only on escaping and going home

South caught up immediately, and broke Spain's legs, and continued carrying him away from the exit of the made like fortLike, no joke. The inside changes so much you would end up in the bathroom when you tried going to the kitchen.

Spain yelped, still trying to get away from South despite the pain rolling through his body

South chuckled and went into the bedrooms was now.gonna be Spain's. Putting him down on a soft bed and locked the door, the door and lock to strong for anyone to break

Spain watched South leave before sighing and sitting up. He looked around, trying to find an exit besides the door. Spain knew he could push the pain away long enough to get out of here, but actually getting out of here was going to be the challenge.

South sat in his throne room again, and watched north walk in, a couple shards on a plate in his hair, and chuckled, North only huffing

Spain continued looking for possible exits, having calmed down from the pain earlier

South was plucking out shards out of Norths head, north noting to never mess with Vatican on a bad day, south ripping out shards that dug deep into his brothers skull. South finished fixing Norths head and went to Spain's room and opened the door, and then ripped off his other arm, healing it to a nub
"Now leave"

Spain bit back another scream, glaring at South and immediately running out, running as fast as possible.

South let him escape, he wasn't much of a threat anymore, and ate his arm, going back to his throne room in boredom.

Spain left, collapsing in the snow a long ways away from the the fort. His breathing was uneven and he was shaking, feeling an overwhelming amount of pain. He was confused as to why South spared him, though to Spain having his arms removed was much worse than death

A woman in a flowery patterned kimono walked towards Spain, having a strange aura, she looked down at Spain, blinking, empty and cold

Spain paid no mind to the woman, feeling on the verge of passing out

The woman blinked, picking Spain up and bringing to her domain, and laid him on a bed mat and warmed him up

Spain fell asleep, feeling a bit better due to the warmth

The woman left, and minded her own business. Her green eyes blinking slightly as her blonde hair glimmers in the show, she was laying down outside, staring at the sky

Spain was still asleep, seeming much more relaxed and peaceful now. His breathing had slowed, as well as his heart rate. He went still, his breath getting slower and slower until it came to a stop. His heartbeat stopped a few moments afterwords, and Spain's body started going cold


Panic: And then you get the Minecraft death thing in the corner. "Spain froze to death trying to escape South"

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