The day things started to change

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{Picture above is Autumn Everdeen}

Autumn had just woken up for school when her dad ran into her room screaming,


Today was her birthday. Even since her mom disappeared 10 years ago, her birthdays seemed.. how would she say this.. boring and lonely. Her dad always tried to hype her up and make her happy because he knew she wasn't the happiest during her birthday even tho he knew it wouldn't help that much and Autumn appreciated his effort. 

"Thanks papa! I'm gonna go take a bath and be right with you okay?" she answered him.

Her dad went in the kitchen and started preparing the breakfast for her birthday. At the same time, Autumn started to fill her bathtub with sea salt and water, how she liked it best to relax, and when it was full, she hopped in. After 2 minutes in, she started to feel itchy around her legs and thought nothing of it but after another 2 minutes, she decided to see if anything was wrong just to find out her skin was starting to become black at some spots. She immediately freaked out and got out of the bath faster than she ever did before. She put a towel on and called for her dad in a panicked voice while thoughts started to drop one by one in her head. Her dad urgently entered the bathroom asking if she was okay. She started to tell him about her legs itching and having black spots when she was relaxing in her bathtub but when she tried to show him, they had disappeared. She was so confused and swore she saw black spots, but her dad wouldn't believe her so he just went back to the kitchen to finish the breakfast while she stayed there, not knowing what to think.

She decided it would be best if she just ignored it, thinking it was her imagination, and started getting ready for the day. She came downstairs, ate quickly, and headed to school on her motorcycle. She got her licence a month ago instead of a car one since she always liked being on her dad's motorcycle. When she got to school, she directly went to her locker to get her things for class and headed there right after, since she didn't have any friends. With the years, she made friends, but they always ended up being toxic with her only because she was beautiful so she stopped making friends, fearing they might do the same thing. During her 2nd class, she realized the school cafeteria was making smashed potatoes, peas and chicken. She thought to herself, "How could I be smelling this? My classroom is at the complete opposite from the cafeteria." That distracted her from listening to her teacher. She thought over and over again, how two weird things happened since this morning and started to think maybe something was wrong with her. She decided to talk to her dad about it when she gets home from school and went on with her day. 

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