Chapter 2

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Roughly one month later:

Tooru's P.O.V.

I went to school as usual, expecting it to be another boring day. Indeed, the first period sucked the life out of me and I had no way of staying awake so I lied down, catching some sleep. When the alarm (I mean bell) rang, however, I found out I was completely wrong.

For the first time since that affair (oh god, so embarrassing, can someone kill me? Or him?),
Iwa-Chan approached me again, this time holding something behind his back. His gaze was running from one place to another, then it settled on the floor and his face was clearly red. I looked up at him in curiosity, not even trying to mind my sharp tongue.

"Ah, Second place-kun are you confessing to me? How sweet," resting my chin on my hand, I joked. He said nothing though which shocked me and actually made me wonder if he really was about to do something that ridiculous.

When he finally mustered some courage, he took out a teal blue bag from behind which was taped so I couldn't see what's inside. He shoved it into my face: "This is for you,"

I had no idea how to respond since Iwa-Chan was the last person I'd expect a gift from and yeah, he was red. What was this supposed to mean?!

Hoping to find out, I took out scissors to cut the tape and had a look inside to see-

"It has been exactly 21 days since your last... time of the month. 21 days is said to be the minimal time between each of them so I made sure to prepare you in advance so that you wouldn't end up like before." He choked out, trying to stay cool but steam going out of his head. He was damn embarrassed and so was I.

But like... what?

He cleared his throat, his eyes focused somewhere on the right: "I researched the best pain killers and bought two packets of them. Also I read that the best thing is to keep your stomach and lower back warm so there is a rubber bag for hot water. You can then put it on where it hurts. I think you know how to use it but if not, find it on the internet. I didn't know what color you prefer so I got you the teal one since, well, Oikawa. Getting tea for calming down didn't seem as a bad idea either so I bought you one packet of fruit tea and ginger as well because it warms you up. I heard that girls crave sweets so there you have some biscuits and chocolate but try not to devour it all." While I was looking into all that he has described, astonished, surprised and a bit scared too, he got even redder.

"A-And the last thing... Just f-for sure like if you needed, uhm..."

"You don't have to say it," I got secondhand embarrassment and immediately closed the bag, hiding it in my school bag. The last thing he was so struggling with saying out loud: that idiot bought me sanitary napkins and tampons.

"Thank you, Iwa-Chan , I appreciate it, but..." I whispered awkwardly and stood up, taking a book into my hand. And then I threw it at him: "YOU IDIOT! WHAT THE HELL?! THAT'S CREEPY AS FUCK AND SINCE WHEN DO YOU CARE ABOUT THIS ISSUE AND DID YOU REALLY COUNT THE DAYS I MEAN WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!"

Thank god not many people were in the class because I must have sounded and looked like a mad witch and Iwa-Chan was a mess.

But I was a bit happy, I guess, that he cared.

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