Chapter 1

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Iwaizumi 's P.O.V.

The next school year started, this time in High school, meaning one thing.

Oikawa Tooru in class A.

No matter how much I hated the fact, I just couldn't do anything about it. Yes, she was currently the number one in our school. Yes, she really made sure to remind me of it every fucking minute and yea, I hated her, even more than usual. I mean, although she stopped being all that violent and shit, she still enjoyed torturing and pranking people. Me especially, though it rarely worked out with me. Which fired her up even more.

Either way, this semester, I was going to take my first place back and then wipe that smug grin off her face.

The bell just rang, announcing the start of the period and that delinquent of a girl was still nowhere to be found. Huh, just after three weeks of school, she was already skipping? How arrogant. She wasn't going to even end up second this way.

I smiled at that thought and then answered when the teacher started taking attendance.

I listened to the teacher's lessons. Nothing new to be honest, science wasn't all that hard after all. After ten minutes, however, a loud thud interrupted his boring speech and drew everyone's attention to the door. There stood our infamous student, her long hair messy instead of being pulled into her usual pony tail. At first, I thought she just overslept or something but examinatig her further, I had the feeling something was off. Maybe the slightly clenched teeth or her pale complexion, but it seems no one noticed.

"O-Oikawa-san, uhm, please take a seat." The old teacher stuttered, not sure of how to speak with her. Ah right, no one knew how to talk to her from now on. She used to be the violent devil from class E after all but now? She stood above us and in this school, as everyone knows, grades were everything.

When the girl did so, the teacher asked, nervous: "Do you have any reasons for coming late?"

The brunet gave him a smile which I found a bit strained: "Soooorry~ I saw a really cute cat so I followed it and then there was an old lady who needed help so I just gave her a hand. After that, I saw the sky shining brightly with angels descending and they told me that I'm-"

"Oikawa, that's enough." A vein popped on my head and I convulsively held my pen in order not to throw it at her, breaking it into two.

She just shrugged, giving me a mischievous look and then taking out her things. Her stupid behavior made me forget my first impression of her today.

It was the fifth period now, leaving us with another two hours before being allowed to go home. For some reason, today felt peaceful and silent, much to my delight. I figured out why immediately - the annoying former E-class student wasn't talking. Since the morning, she didn't leave her desk and didn't utter a single word. Did she have something evil planned out?

Finding it quite suspicious, I glanced at her from the front (she was just two desks behind me). As usual, she was lying on the surface though unlike before, her hair was covering half of her face, making it impossible for me to say whether she was sleeping or just provoking us.

But when I looked carefully, I started noticing something strange. Her body was tense, shivering maybe. The part of her face that was visible showed way too pale skin, white as sheet, and her breathing gave the impression of being uneven and careful. Something in my stomach jumped and I found myself frowning. Maybe it wouldn't harm to just make sure if anything was the matter, would it?

When the fifth period ended and when everyone from the class disappeared into the corridors, I walked up to Oikawa who was still splashed on her table.

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