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1995 was a great year for most people. new fashion trends, new music, new video games, be friends. but this year was important in a totally different way for four teenagers.

sunset curve

as they like to call themselves consists of four members. luke patterson, alex mercer, reggie peters, and bobby wilson.

it was their first big gig. they were practing in the venue to get a feel for it. and before you knew it the bass started playing and alex's drumsticks were in the air clapping together.

one, two, three

take off.
last stop
countdown till we blast open the top.
face first
full charge,
electric hammer to the heart

clocks move faster
cause it's all we're after now
won't stop climbing
cause this is our time yeah

when all the days felt black and white
those were the best shades of my life

don't look down

cause we're still rising

up right now

and even if we

hit the ground

we're still fly
keep dreaming like we'll live forever

but live it likes it now or never

cause we ain't searching for tomorrow


cause we got all we need all today


living on a feeling
that's been running through our veins

we're the revolution thats been singing in the rain

{all- bar bobby}
don't look down
cause we're still rising up right now

and even if we

hit the ground

we'll still fly

keep dreaming like we'll live forever
but live it like it's now or never
it's now or never
now or never

that was the best they've ever played. they got a cheer out of their small audience.

they were trying to figure out what to eat before the show. they decided on street dogs and were about to leave until they saw bobby talking to two girls.

one girl was mexican with a darker complexion and curly hair. the other girl was white and pale, with blonde hair.

"i'm good. vegetarian. i could never hurt an animal." they heard bobby say (clearly lying to the poor girl)

"you guys are really good." the curly haired girl said to them.

"thank you." alex responds

"yeah, we see lots of bands, but you guys were one of our favorites! we've been in a few ourselves but we were really feeling it." the blonde compliments

"that's we we do by the way. i'm luke by the way." luke introduces

"hi i'm reggie." reggie say following luke's lead

"alex." alex said doing the same

"bobby" bobby says.

"nice meeting you guys. i'm rose. and this is my coworker savannah." rose introduces with savannah giving them a two finger salute

"oh uh, here's our demo. and two t-shirts. size beautiful." reggie flirts

"thanks i'll make sure to not wipe the tables down with this one!" savannah laughs

"good call. whenever they get wet they just tend to fall apart in your hands." alex says

"don't you guys have to go get hot dogs?" bobby says clearly wanting them to leave

"oh yeah. he had a hamburger for lunch by the way." luke says before they run out.


"that's what i'm talking about!" luke says as reggie laughs

"the smell of sunset boulevard?" alex says as he smells the air

"no." luke laughs

"it's what that girl said in there tonight. about our music, all right? it's like an energy it connects us with people. they can feel us when we play. i want that connection with everybody." luke explains

"then we're gonna need more t-shirts." reggie says

"let's go boys." luke laughs

he puts up his hood so he's not easily noticed. reggie goes over to the side walk and gives a t-shirt to two ladies. they laugh as the ladies scream out his name

"i cant wait to eat some place where the condiments isn't served out of the back of a oldsmobile." alex says after he spills pickle juice on the battery cart

he apologizes for it and they go sit down to eat.

"this is awesome, you guys. we're playing the orpheum! i cant even count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge. we're gonna be legends! eat up, boys. cause after tonight, everything changes." luke says

oh how he didn't know how true that sentence would become.

"that's a new flavor" alex says after biting into the hot dog

"chill man street dogs haven't killed us yet." reggie says

oh how ironic.


a/n: ahhhhh hi! so i'm redoing most of my stories so here's the first chapter! enjoy <3

a million dreams- luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now