Chapter 30: Jungkook's Past Pt. 3

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Make sure you read the chapter before this, since this is a triple update!

"I'm just saying, we need to be ready when we take our dragon's place." Namjoon said with crossed arms. The five dragon warriors were having a meeting about their dragons. "All of our dragons are ill. Jin tried to use his magic on them, but it didn't work. We all knew this day will come when they all return to the heavens."

"Shut up!" Jungkook yelled as he banged his hand on the table. He stood up with red glowing eyes, that was directed at the lightning dragon. Yoongi, who was sleeping, opened his eyes and stared at the youngest. Hoseok, who was making a tiny tornado with his finger, also turned towards the youngest. Namjoon and Jin were already looking at the angry youngest. "Stop with this bullshit about them 'returning to the heavens'. "

"It's true, kid. The old hags will die and return to the heavens, or the earth. Whatever you prefer." Yoongi said in a monotone voice. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin all looked at the second oldest. They were shocked how Yoongi said it. "You need to grow up kid, every being and thing will end up dying one way or the other. It's only a matter of time before the dragons will too.-"

"Shut the fuck up, you heartless piece of shit!" Jungkook yelled, his voice laced with anger, rage, and a hint of sadness. Yoongi, not liking the way Jungkook spoke to him, glared at him. However, Yoongi's eyes were glowing ice blue and not their normal color. One side of the room had gotten extremely cold, while the other was extremely hot. The other three backed away from the two, not wanting to be caught into the fight. It was like watching a lion and a tiger fighting.

"You need to watch how you speak to me." Yoongi grumbled as he stood up. Jungkook just rolled his eyes, he was so done with Yoongi. Yoongi's and Jungkook's glares clashed, as each side of the room would get colder and hotter. "I'm just speaking the truth. The dragons are on their death bed, and you need to accept that."

"I will accept it when you start acting like you give a fuck about your dragon." Jungkook grumbled back. Everyone's eyes widen by what Jungkook had just said. Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon backed all the way to the wall, knowing what was about to happen. In a slit second, Yoongi was in front of Jungkook gripping his shirt and glaring an icy glare at him.

"I do care about Isla, she raised me!" Yoongi yelled at Jungkook. Yoongi's grip tighten and he clenched his jaw. "Don't ever say I don't care again. Or so help me, you will return home with a broken nose."

Yoongi let go of Jungkook and left the meeting room, along with the other dragons. Jungkook stood alone in the meeting room. When he found out that Vio was ill, Jungkook started to get more worry and stress. Then the worry and stress became anger when they couldn't find a cure. Jungkook's whole world turned upside down in a matter of 5 days.

Jungkook punched the wall, as tears left his eyes. He didn't want to lose Vio. Just then, Jungkook felt arms around him, and knew who it was. Jungkook turned around and came face to face with his lover and familiar, Si-woo. Si-woo gave him a kind, yet sad, smile. Si-woo's white eyes was full of worry and sadness. Si-woo wiped away Jungkook's tears.

"It's ok Jungkook, we'll find a way to cure Vio's illness." Si-woo said with a soft voice. Jungkook nodded and rested his head on Si-woo's chest. After a long minute, Si-woo picked Jungkook's head up and looked him in the eyes. And before they knew it, they were making out in the meeting room. Not aware of Yoongi who stood in the doorway.

Yoongi had forgotten his ice blue crystal necklace that Isla, his dragon, gave him. He went back to get it, only to walk in on a heated make out session between Jungkook and his familiar. Coughing to get their attention, the two pulled away and looked at Yoongi. Jungkook had a red face, which made Yoongi want to smile at.

"Yoongi hyung, could you not tell anyone about this." Jungkook said in a soft voice. "I know we just fought right now, but please don't tell the others. I can't handle their judgment and disapproval right now with all that's going on."

"Fine." Yoongi said and walked over the the table. He grabbed his necklace and walked back to the door. He looked at Jungkook and Si-woo and said with a smirk. "But if you don't want to be caught, maybe not make out in the meeting room."

And with that he left.


Jungkook was running as fast as he could. He couldn't believe what was happening. He didn't want to believe it. However, when he reached Bronzegard and saw the bodies of the town's people, he had no choice but the believe it. Jungkook had received a letter from Yoongi, stating that the first King was hunting the dragon warriors and capturing them. The letter was sent a week ago, and had only just arrived. In the letter, Yoongi said that Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon were already captured. Jungkook was 100% sure Yoongi was captured as well.

"Vio! Si-woo!" Jungkook yelled as he walked down the body and blood full streets of the town. He needed to know that those two were safe before he could do anything. Jungkook was sure Si-woo could protect himself, however it was Vio, Jungkook was worried about. Vio was very ill, and could only use half of his magic now. "Vio! Si-woo!"

Jungkook continued to search for the two. The more bodies that he recognized, the more tears filled his eyes. And soon, those tears left his eyes and ran down his cheeks. He started to slow down, as his heart started to hurt more. Was Vio even alive?

Shut up! Jungkook yelled at himself in his head. He couldn't think like that. Jungkook continued walking, with a heavy heart and red puffy eyes. It was only then he spotted one of the people he was looking for. Jungkook walked over to his best friend, his father, his mentor, and his dragon. Jungkook's knees gave out on him and he fell to his knees next to Vio's body.

Jungkook grabbed his brown hair, as his eyes widen and tears continued to fall out and down his face. And in that moment, Jungkook screamed as loud as he could, from all the pain and anger he felt. And in this moment, Jungkook felt half of his heart shattered. The fire flowers's fire burst and glowed bright, feeling Jungkook's pain and anger. Jungkook continued to scream out of pain and anger, until he heard someone speak.

"Look at you, Jeon." A voice said. Jungkook knew who this voice belonged to, and he didn't want to talk with him. However, before Jungkook could turn around and face him, he was grabbed and pushed in the muddy ground. He was handcuffed and had tried to break them with his dragon strength, but couldn't. "You look so pathetic. This wouldn't have happened if you lend me your powers."

Jungkook didn't say anything as his eyes widen. He knew the first King was evil, but he didn't expect him to kill a whole town of people. He sat there in the muddy ground, with wide eyes. He started to hyperventilate as his vision started to get hazy.

"This is...because of me...." Jungkook said in a low brittle voice. His body started shaking, as he blamed himself for what had happened to these families. As he continued blaming himself, he heard someone approach the first king. Jungkook looked up, and his eyes widen even more. Once more, Jungkook felt the rest of his heart shattered because right before him was the person he gave all his love to. Right before him, standing next to the king, was Si-woo.

Si-woo walked closer to Jungkook, with a sward in hand. Jungkook watch Si-woo in disbelief. When Si-woo was close enough, he raised his sward and hit Jungkook in the head with the butt of the sward, knocking the boy who had loved him with all his heart.

Aha, I am back at it with more chapters for my lovely readers! This is my way of saying sorry for going MIA for a whole ass month. I'm not to sure if you guys even like my story, let alone flashbacks. So I'm sorry if you hate these three chapters 😔.

The next chapter or/and chapters will come out in a couple of days. Cause ya girl has school and just started a new semester. So, I'll see you soon, bye loves!


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