022. YOU AND I

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                "Hey Inds?"

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"Hey Inds?"

"Hm?" I hum back. We were still on the roof. It was growing colder by the minute, the small gusts of wind blowing past us every-so-often. My nose was cold at the tip, I knew that much and the chances of me getting sick were heightening but I couldn't help but stay in between Luke's arms. Maybe if we stay here it'll be like a bad dream and I'll wake up to a place where he won't have to leave.

"Do you.. do you believe in, like, the alternate universe stuff? Luke fumbles with his words, the question came out quiet, like he was sheepish to even ask. Releasing one of our enlaced hands, he began to trace small patterns along my knee.

I paused, my brows frowning as I thought over the question. "Yeah.." I start, nodding slightly. "I mean, the FBI released that big document on it right? Besides our solar system is huge and we barely know anything about the world, not to mention the amount of technology probably produced somewhere else. We can't be the only ones floating around on this rock in the middle of the grand scheme of things so why can't there be other dimensions, you know?"

Luke let out a small laugh, his chest vibrating against my back. "I meant like for us," He explains. Turning my head so I could get a look at him, Luke held a smile on his lips. "If there's different dimensions do you think that in another world, we would end up together?"

"Well, if it is all real, I wanna kick my alternate universe's ass for making me suffer in this world," I snicker. "Maybe I'll build a quantum realm thing-y like Tony Stark and figure out a way to go through the parallel universes', trade places with Indie,"

"Wouldn't that.. kinda set off the universal balance of things?" He inquires, raising a brow while I click my tongue and wave it off.

"I mean technically if you wanna have morals," I drawl out. "I think it's fine. I'll blame the scary ghost man that's trying to kill you guys for my villain origin story, people will have sympathy if I milk that... Maybe I could become, like, the Loki of my alternate universe's world. Seems like a good plan, they'll all love me — especially the broken ones with issues and trauma,"

"Why does it feel like you this planned out?"

"Who says I haven't?" I counter. With a small tsk, I shake my head at Luke. "We all know I suck at paying attention. Sometimes I like to daydream about living in movies... I'm still mad I'll never be able to marry Spencer Reid or Peter Parker,"

"The nerdy guys are your type?" Luke snickers.

"Yeah, complete opposite of you, you himbo," I smirk, shuffling a bit so I could face him better. I watch as he scrunches up his nose at this. "Jealous?"

"I don't even know what himbo means," Luke replied.

"I believe the urban dictionary describes it as an attractive but unintelligent man," I shrug, watching as his face contorted with offense. "What? Don't look at me like that, you and the guys share one collective brain cell and usually Alex is hiding it in his fanny pack,"

✓ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄; JATPWhere stories live. Discover now