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Avu - Yo Cristie !!! Your killin'

Cristie - Boys are flat on you girl !!

After a few hours....

Elle - So, guys, we end today wishing Cristie, Avneet and everyone leaving us a very good life ahead.

Avneet went back to get home. She had packed her stuff . She was super excited to get back to her palace.

Next morning.....

Avneet's Pov,,,,,,

Wake up Avu. It's already 6:30. My flight is at 7:00. I'm hella excited 😆😆😆😆.

I did my usual chores and left. I really don't know how my new boss is gonna be. I hope, he is a good guy.

It was my free time, I had boarded the plane

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It was my free time, I had boarded the plane. So, I decided to write in my diary.

PoV ends,,,,,

Avneet started writing about love through her own experience in her diary.

( Read the whole thing,, I've written, I mean own thoughts !! )

Love !! What is love ?? It's a journey, not a destination. It's a feeling where eyes talk and hearts are connected. It's a sweet pain.

It's not oiling you with 'Babu' 'Shona', taking to malls or 5star. It's just being in a comfortable silence feeling each other, being with eachother, a silence which says uncountable things, unexpressed things.

It's not about sleeping together, parties, kisses, losing your virginity or forcing you to say 'I love you' even if he/she understands. It's joining your hands, foreheads & assuring...." Don't worry, I understand. I can see the love for me in your eyes. Don't say if you're uncomfortable."

It's where you don't have to say your problems, it's not where every second with him/her hunts you that the very next moment would be without him. It's unconditional trust, faith, respect. It's where you're partner says......." I'm with you. Doesn't matter what happens, how you are. You're enough for me and I love you. No matter what."

It's not always pleasure. It's a sweet pain. It's not when your heart starts throbbing when you see him/her. It's when you feel your heart inside your, it starts beating in a fast pace when you see him. It's not always ending up together, marriage, it's a promise of being with eachother even after death.


IT'S shattering away. Carrying a pang in your heart which you can't say to anyone & no one will understand.

It's shattering away, being lost, searching for light, getting pierced, when you're throat is being choked and you're trying your best to survive but just can't & smiling outside saying " I'm fine. What and how can ever happen to me ?? "

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