Chapter 6

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"You guys, just so you know, Kageyama went home. He said he felt unwell but would be back for tomorrow's practice." "Wait Kageyama went home?! But who will I practice spikes with?" I sighed at the young boy. He doesn't even realize that its his fault Kageyama left. "You could practice your receives, no offence, but they could use some work.." "oh, alright suga senpai!!" As Hinata ran off to go practice Daichi approached me realizing that something was wrong "is Kageyama actually sick?" "Kind of. He's not actually sick but more like.. lovesick." "Wait does he like..?" He asked looking over at Hinata. I nodded "when I went out the second time I found Kageyama sobbing, from the sounds of it, Hinata is straight and completely oblivious to Kageyama's feelings, so every time Hinata, or anyone for that matter points out how good of friends they are.. he gets a bit upset" Daichi nodded "should we maybe tell the team minus Hinata about this?" I nodded "I've never seen him cry before, let alone sob! I don't think my heart could take it knowing the pain he's in.." 

While wrapping up practice Daichi gave the signal to wait in the gym for a moment. This specific gesture pointed at Hinata, telling the team not to tell Hinata to stay. As soon as Hinata left the group started asking questions "why is Hinata not allowed to hear this?" "Does this have to do with why Kageyama left?" "You've never called a meeting before, is everything okay?" "ENOUGH! Just let us explain, if you still have questions you can ask them after. Suga, do you want to explain?" "Sure.. so we called this discussion to talk about the situation between Kageyama and Hinata.." "did they hook up and Kageyama bottomed so that's why he had to leave?" Daichi glared at Noya until he got so scared that he went to hide behind Asahi "actually.. the opposite happened.. it turns out that Kageyama is newly in love with Hinata but Hinata is straight.. and Hinata was basically shoving it in Kageyama's face.." the team grew quiet "when Kageyama comes back, try to be sensitive, and don't mention anything about how good friends or partners they are, or this conversation, okay?" I reached for Daichi's hand and grasped it tightly. He squeezed back "alright! You can all go now, try not to make it obvious that we know okay?" "Yes captain!" 


As I walked into the gym the air was thick, everyone looked at me like I was a ticking time bomb. Suga probably told them all, but if I'm being honest, I didn't really care. The wall was back up, but this time it was thicker, stronger. I could barely feel anything anymore.. "good morning everyone!!" It was Hinata, despite my efforts I could feel the wall quickly crumbling and falling apart. My eyes began to water and I ran out of the gym, refusing to let anybody see me cry. "Kageyama? Where are you going?" I couldn't hold it back anymore, tears began to fall down my cheeks faster than I could wipe them away. I ran to a quiet place behind the school where nobody could see me and sobbed without holding back until class was started in 5 minutes, at that point I ran to my first class hoping I could stay composed. 

It happened almost instantly. I had just said hello and then Kageyama had run past me out the door. "Uh Kageyama? where are you going??" I tried to run after him but Daichi grabbed my arm "wha- Daichi let me go after him! I'm his best friend let me go comfort him!" "Hinata.. he ran because of you.." I felt myself lower in posture drastically "h-he.. he ran away.. from me..?" I scanned the room, everyone seemed to know something that I didn't "w-what did I do..? D-does he hate me now?! N-no.. h-he can't.. I- I can't have him hate me.." I started to tremble and hyperventilate "woah! Hinata, calm down! Just breathe.. everything with be fine, just breathe" I clutched my shirt and fell to my knees trying to catch my breath "Hinata! Can you hear me?" I nodded "breathe with me okay? In.. out.. in.. out..." this went on until my breathing went back to normal. I was finally aware of my surroundings and saw the entire team huddled around me "hey Shoyo?" "Y-yes Noya-san?" "Do you have a crush on Kageyama?" I felt my face heat up "m-maybe... why does that matter though? He hates me.." I heard Daichi and Suga laugh from behind me "I-its not funny!" "Sorry Hinata it's just that, the reason Kageyama ran is because he realized his feelings for you last night but he thinks that you're straight, so he gets really upset every time he sees you because he thinks that you see him as a friend." I thought back to last night and realized how much I made it seem like I was straight last night and cringed. I didn't want him to know about my feelings so I tried to make it seem like I didn't like him at all. I guess it worked too well. "You're in the same class as Kageyama right? At lunch you should follow him and try to talk to him" "that's a great idea! Thanks everyone.." I stood and was almost immediately wrapped in a group hug 

Fluff coming soon! But not now cuz its almost midnight and its a school night lmao

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