Chapter 7

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"Kageyama! There you are! Can I talk to you for a second?" What did Hinata want? Couldn't he see that I was trying to avoid him? I felt tears prickle at the back of my eyes, no not now! Come on, you're fine, just, breathe. I turned around to see the small boy smiling but something was off "what do you want.." I looked down refusing to make eye contact. "Kageyama.. I don't really want to say what I'm about here.. could we go somewhere private?" The boy looked up with pleading eyes and I felt my face heat up "tch whatever boke.. come on.." I forcefully grabbed his wrist, dragging him behind me. I brought him to my favourite part of campos, it was behind the school looking across the field, depending on the time of day it can look rather beautiful. Hinata stood in awe looking at the view. "Could you just tell me what you want already?!" The tears started to pool in my eye sockets. I couldn't be here much longer, I was still in the grieving process and being around Hinata for this long was really not helping me move on "k-kageyama.. I've been thinking about what I said the other day about us both being straight.. but I think we both know that's a lie.." what was he doing? Is he trying to get my hopes up just so he can break my heart again?! I'm not going to let this happen.. "stop it." "W-what..? I just want to tell you-" "I SAID STOP! I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing, but leave me out of it." He was silent and I could feel tears starting to leak from my eyes "please.. just leave me alone.. I need time to myself to think..." he started to walk away slowly, after a while he looked over his shoulder. I'm not sure what he expected to see but.. he turned back around and once he turned the corner I fell to my knees. One person shouldn't be able to do this to me, its not fair! If only he- wait.. what if he was actually going to confess? Did I just ruin my only chance with him?! "HINATA?!" I sprinted around the corner and saw Hinata wrapped in Suga's arms "HINATA!!" I ran towards the pair but before I could hug him, Suga hid Hinata behind himself "what do you think you're doing? Don't you see how much you hurt him?!" "I-I'm sorry.. I get defensive and paranoid on no sleep and-" "I get that this is your personality, and you're just always kinda rude, but you can't go off making people sob from them just wanting to talk to you!" "S-suga.. it's fine. Let me talk to him.. a-alone.." Suga was hesitant but eventually left "Shoyo- er- Hinata.. I'm really sorry, I just couldn't deal with my emotions, I  was trying to hold back tears the entire time I was talking to you and it made me really tense.. I wasn't thinking straight! Please.. give me another chance.."  tears were streaming down my face. I knew that at this point I was ugly crying but I didn't care, the only thing that mattered was Hinata's response. the shorter male giggled through his tears "you had me at Shoyo.." 

Kageyama scooped me up into a hug squeezing me tightly. We then heard a squeal from behind us. We turned to see the entire team watching us "SUGA!!! You were supposed to leave not bring the rest of the team to watch!!" Kageyama hissed "sorry guys! I just couldn't resist! You two are like my children and i wanted to see the moment you fell in loveee" both of our faces heated up "L-LOVE?!?!" "Seriously suga? You do realize it took almost a year just to confess to each other right? They aren't going to be in love instantly they take things slo-" "wait hinata, why were you surprised? I'm in love with you.. are you not in love with me?" He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes "b-Baka.. you know that's not what i meant.. i do l-love you.. and i have for a long time.." "shoyo..." he grabbed my face and leaned down "is this okay?" I nodded as i stared into his deep blue eyes. He leaned closer our lips almost touching and then i closed the gap.  As our lips intertwined the world faded away, it was like we were the only people in the world! The kiss grew more and more passionate, I wrapped my arms around kageyama's neck then gently licked his bottom lip. Out of shock he opened his mouth. I took the opportunity and stuck my tongue inside only to be pulled apart by Daichi  


We both grumbled but agreed "now. We should all go eat lunch in the time that we have, there's only 20 minutes until the next class so you'd all better hurry!" "Yes captain!" We all exclaimed, i looked over at Kageyama and reached out my hand he rolled his eyes but took it anyways as we walked I saw Suga looking at Daichi longingly then glancing over at us "hey kags, I just got a wonderful idea.." 

This last bit was so fun to write- also ignore the fact that Daichi turned into Gandalf for a second there 

Oh- and uh- sorry for not updating for a while. Ive been really busy with school lately but i should hopefully be able to get out a few more parts 

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