Chapter 2

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I was waiting by the bus stop for Hinata, the boke was late AGAIN as I was about to start walking without him, I heard a familiar voice behind me shout "KAGEYAMA WATCH OUT!!" I quickly turned towards him only to get run over "YOU BOKE WHAT THE HELL?!" I said brushing the dirt off myself I reached up and whipped my nose seeing that it was now bleeding. Ugh that's just great! Hinata had been flung over the handle bars of his bike and was laying on the ground with his eyes closed. "Come on boke, get up we're going to be late." No response "BOKE get your lazy butt up!! Do you really want to miss practice?!" Still no response "shit.."I said under my breath I quickly ran to his unconscious body to make sure he was breathing. "Thank god.." I scooped up the small child and carried him to the school.

"Kageyama you're- oh my god! Is he okay?!" Daichi started saying before realizing Hinata in my arms. "No clue. He flew off his bike and wasn't wearing a helmet" everyone came around us in a half circle not quite knowing what to do, but before we could do anything, Hinata quickly sat up, head butting my face making me drop him. "OW! You probably hurt the concrete more than it hurt you! Jeez.." Hinata  quickly stood up and observed his surroundings. "How did I get here? I don't really remember anything from this morning..." he turned his head like a confused puppy. Cute.. wait- WHAT NO- that boke is far from anything that can even be considered as cute!! My face turned bright red but nobody really questioned it because they assumed that I just didn't want credit for basically saving Hinata's life "wow!!! Kageyama you carried me all the way here!? Good to know that you're capable of compassion." "Boke what the fuck do you mean!?" "Aweeeee you care about meeeeee" "SHOYO SHUT THE FUCK UP I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU"everyone was frozen and my face became beat red when I realized what I said "w-wait I-I d-didn't m-me-mean that..!" "Wow, the king learnt another emotion besides rage, anger, and annoyance." Daichi gave Tsukishima one of his famous death stares and he immediately dropped it "sh-shoyo..?" "I SAID THAT I DIDN'T MEAN THAT!! IT JUST SLIPPED OUT!! DON'T TAKE IT TO HEART OR ANYTHING" Hinata stared at me, a smug look on his face. "You said it slipped out, so does that mean that for a while now you've wanted to first name me but were holding it back?" My face turned red again "fuck off..." "hehehehehe you didn't deny it thooough" before I could yell at the idiot Sugawara stepped in between us "boys, maybe you should just drop it, wouldn't you rather practice than have pointless arguments?" We both mumbled an apology and we started practice 

"WOULD YOU JUST HIT THE DAMN BALL ALREADY?! We've done this before, I don't see why you can't hit a simple spike" "sorry! I just keep zoning out.." "well then get your head out of the clouds, AND HIT THE DAMN BALL" Tanaka and Nishinoya then both came over to us and looked smug "what do you idiots want? We're trying to practice." The pair look at each other "we know, buuuut you two both seem a little tense with each other sooooooooooooo" "JUST SPIT IT OUT" they stepped back a few steps to get away from the beast that was Kageyama "we remembered a game that I remember us always playing called gay chicken and it was SO much fun" "how does the game work Noya-san?" "Well it's basically played like regular chicken except its with two dudes, aaand we play the extreme version." Kageyama and I glanced at each other. What did extreme mode mean? Tanaka then took over explaining "in extreme mode, each player leans closer with their faces like regular chicken, but at the same time they have to put a hand up the bottom of the other players shorts and slowly get closer to their crotch! Any questions?" 

I feel like this chapter is getting long so imma end it here lol- also warning because smut starts in the next chapter 

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