Prologue: The Beginning of his Journey

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Note: I might make some mistakes when making this story so bear with me. Enjoy reading!
And also, this Midoriya will not be "the canon Midoriya"

Normal - Speaking/Narrating

Italic - Thoughts/Thinking

Snowy Forest

Midoriya was lying on the ground filled with snow. He felt cold running through his body and was confused why is he here, despite that he's freezing in this blizzard.

Izuku: W-What j-just happened...?

He is shivering right now as he tries to find a shelter to stay through this cold blizzard.

Izuku: Somebody... P-please... H-help me....

Izuku: It's so cold... My body can't take it anymore...

He couldn't take it anymore. He felt like he is going to die from the cold until he saw something. A large castle can be seen ahead to his path. His eyes widened as he swiftly walk to the castle with his legs trembling.

Einzbern Castle, Germany

Inside the castle, a man with a black hair named Kiritsugu is staring at the window, looking at the wild blizzard outside

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Inside the castle, a man with a black hair named Kiritsugu is staring at the window, looking at the wild blizzard outside. He heard a creak on the door and saw a maid.

Maid: Mr. Kiritsugu, Someone's is at the door. Can we let him in?

Kiritsugu was confused at first but aware as well.

Kiritsugu: Who was it?

Maid: We don't know, but he was covered in snow and his body is very cold.

The maid said to Kiritsugu. He thought to himself that the person might be lost and finding a shelter. He hesitates for a moment as he made his decision.

Kiritsugu: Let him in.

Maid: Yes, sir.

The maid swiftly run to the person as the maids carry the person. Kiritsugu saw the person was a boy who is covered in snow and unconscious.

Kiritsugu: A young boy? Why would there be a boy lost in the blizzard? How long was he surviving in the blizzard? Is he some kind of a spy?

Many questions are now stored in his head as he saw the boy's face. He felt a bit sympathy for the boy.

Kiritsugu: No. There's no way this boy is a spy. He must be finding a shelter when he's lost while surviving in the blizzard.

Irisviel: Kiritsugu, who was it?

His wife, Irisviel walked beside him and saw the boy and his state.

Irisviel: Who is this boy, Kiritsugu?

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