Chapter 3: Blade of the Demonic Spear

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Saber and Lancer are in their fighting stances. Both of them aren't moving forward but Lancer is using some kind of charm magic against Saber, including Irisviel. Midoriya is analyzing the fight as he look at the two fighters.

Saber: Charm magic...

Izuku: "Charm magic"?

Lancer: My apologies. It's a curse I was born with. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it. You can blame my birth or the fact that you were born a woman.

Saber: Surely, you aren't expecting your pretty face to save you from my blade, spear-wielder.

Izuku: I see, so this "Lancer" possesses a charm magic as a curse. Hmm, since Servants are based on legends or other stories just like King Arthur... What legend does this "Lancer" have? A spearman that has a charm magic as a curse.

Midoriya thought as he continues to analyze the Servant Lancer.

Lancer: It would be quite the killjoy if it did. I see, the anti-magic skill of a Saber class Servant is no fairy tale. Very well, cutting down a woman softened by my face would only soil my reputation anyway. I'm glad my very first opponent is one of mettle.

Saber: Oh? So you desire a fair fight. I consider myself fortunate to encounter such a proud Heroic Spirit.

Lancer: Well then... Let us begin.

 Let us begin

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He said. Saber charges forward and swinged her sword at him as he blocked it with his spear. Both of their weapons clashes together as Midoriya and Irisviel watches the fight.

Kiritsugu: It begins. Someone has put up a magic field. It's probably the Master of the enemy Servant.

???: We can observe the entire battlefield from up there.

Kiritsugu: Indeed, that's a perfect vantage point. But anyone who saw it would think so too. Maiya, you approach from the eastern wharf. I'll take the west. We'll find points where we can monitor both Saber's battle and that crane.

Maiya: Understood.

She said as she moves to the eastern wharf while Kiritsugu glances at Saber's fight and Midoriya besides his wife.

Kiritsugu: Let's see what you can do, adorable King of knights. And you too, brave young hero.

Back to Saber who is fighting Lancer, both are clashing as they dodge and block each other's attacks. Saber took a glance from his spears, thinking about what her enemy is hiding.

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