Chapter 8: Reminiscing the Past

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Homurahara Academy

After the incident, Rin manages to call Kirei to take care of the mess. While Rin was on his way to call Kirei, Midoriya manages to restore the damaged structures on the school. After that, the ambulances has arrived as they bring the unconscious students to the hospital.

Izuku: I fixed all those things that are damaged. Taiga and Sakura are okay as well.

Shirou: Yeah, thanks for the help Aniki. Though, I guess we just let our enemy escape.

Izuku: It's alright. No life was taken in this school so it's fine. We should get out of here without being seen or else we'll be in big trouble once they saw us.

Midoriya said. Then, they saw Rin running towards them.

Shirou: Have you called the priest, Tohsaka?

Rin: Yeah. He said he'll tale care of the mess in here. And by that, he meant the situation of what happened... since you fixed every damages in here.

Rin said the last part to Midoriya, pointing at the hallway that is fixed by him. Before they could continue, Midoriya sensed a presence.

Izuku: ...I sense a Servant.

Rin: What?!

"Hmph. It seems I was found quickly. As expected..."

Rin: That voice.

She said as Archer appeared in front of them.

Shirou: You...

Izuku: The Archer Servant.


Rin: Archer! What's with you finally showing up now?

Archer: Isn't it obvious? I sensed a threat to my Master and rushed to her side. But it appears I was too late.

Rin: Yes, it's all over! I'll fill you in on everything that happened while you took your sweet time, so you just stand there and listen!

Archer: Tch. Looks like I arrived at the worst possible time.

Rin: You can say that again! Two Servants appeared in this school and successfully escaped, and now you decide to show up?

Archer: All right, all right. Next time, I'll rush to your side at once. Well, who were the two Servants that escaped from your grasp?

Rin: I'll tell you after we get out of this school. Now, let's go.

Rin said as she walked away, heading to the exit of the school from the back side while the rest followed her.




In the city of Fuyuki which was crowded with people, there was a boy who is filled with anger from his humiliating defeat. It was the Master of Rider, Shinji who is walking while ignoring everything.

Shinji: Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill... Kill everything! Kill every freakin' thing!

He said those words repeatedly in his mind, filled with hatred as he suddenly bumps on a garbage can. When he saw this, he snapped as Shinji let out a scream of hatred while his Servant Rider watches him from above the building.

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