"I'm just going to forget it ever happened."

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sorry for taking so long with an update, i've been in and out of the hospital recently, so it's been hard to write. i hope you enjoy this chapter though <3

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. Sitting up, I look towards the kitchen, the smell of eggs and bacon quickly fills my senses. Smiling, I strut towards the kitchen. Itachi is hovered over the stove trying to perfect the sunny side up eggs. "Need some help?" I question. He turns around and shakes his head. "No, go sit down, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."

I walk towards the small square table, and plop myself down into one of the wooden seats. "Are Jake and Kakashi investigating today?" Itachi nods.

"They'll be behind us while we go sightseeing, keeping an eye out for any spies." I mutter a small 'Ah' in response.

He comes and drops the plate of food in front of me. The aroma of bacon and eggs becomes noticeably stronger. I pick up a piece of bacon with my fingers, only for the hot grease to burn my skin. I flinch - quickly dropping the food. "You okay?" I heard Itachi ask from behind me. I give a subtle nod in return.

I watch as Itachi circles around, and sets his own plate at his respected seat. He sits, and begins to eat his eggs with his chopsticks. I blow on my food, hoping to cool it down a bit - becoming a bit impatient to eat.

Breakfast was shared with few words. It wasn't unusual though, considering I and Itachi tend to be rather quiet people. Now, we were both out on the streets of the small village.

"Hey Ita?" I begin to question. "Can we visit the shrine?" I point forwards towards the looming shrine on the mountain before us. The traditional building - even from afar - was breathtaking.

"I was thinking the same thing, it's something I've been wanting to do for quite some time now." Since the rose village wasn't a shinobi village, it was quite the big tourist spot, its shrine being the main point of visitors. We continue walking towards the long set of rundown stone stairs.

The trek up the stairs was long, but worth it. The tall cherry blossom trees lining the pathway were simply beautiful, their pastel pink color seemed to compliment the worn stairs we stepped upon. Our walk was filled only with inaudible gasps of amazement.

Once we reached the top of the stairs, we both were in shock of the shrine before us. Red and gold filled our vision, and it was truly art. "It's amazing," I muttered to no one in particular.

"It really is," The man besides me replied back.


We spent the rest of the day eating and sightseeing. Being with Itachi today was fun, I felt like I could actually let myself go for once. We just got back to the hotel room, stomachs full and faces full of laughter.

At some point during our day, Jake and Kakashi had slipped us a note regarding the rogue ninja's and our plan of action. Itachi took the note out of his pocket, and I walked over to him - who was sitting on the big bed, to read it. I sat beside him, and began to read along,

We plan to take them down tonight. They seem decently strong, but nothing we haven't seen before. They were planning on spying on you tonight to gather intel on ways to attack. Stay on guard, and make sure you keep your act up.

- J

"Well that should be easy enough huh?" I say, turning my head to the right, looking at Itachi's side profile. He nods.

"Well then, babe," I begin, standing up off the bed and coming around in front of him. I stand a few inches away from his legs. Suddenly, I feel a spike of chakra outside. The ninja's were here. The chakra slowly receded, I can only assume they're masking it. I looked down at Itachi knowingly, if I felt it, he definitely felt it. He looked straight into my eyes, and brought his hands out to lay on my waist. Without warning, he tugged me forward so I was mere inches from him. My upper thighs were pressed against the mattress, preventing me from moving forward any more.

"They're watching us. Waiting for us to reveal something." He whispered so lowly that if I weren't so close, I wouldn't have been able to hear him. I gave a miniscule smile, and nodded.

"What do we do then? How do we act as a normal couple?" I ask, eyebrows furrowing together. He smirks. I can't tell if it's for the act, or if it was genuine.

"Sit on my lap." His voice stays in his whisper, and his hands guide me to a straddling position.

I was hesitant about what we were doing. It didn't feel wrong, and that was the issue. It felt almost too good to be this close to Itachi.

Thighs against thighs, knees pressed onto the soft white mattress. Everything about this current moment I could feel intensely. Fingers pressed against my waist, palms flattening and curling ever so slightly. I could feel every little thing. My eyes never left his own onyx orbs. Being this close to him only reminds me of how utterly beautiful he is.

"I'm going to kiss your neck, okay?" He quietly says, his voice seems raspier and lower than it had been moments before. I nod, and prepare myself for what is to happen next.

Seconds later, I feel warm lips on my neck. They move - placing closed mouth kisses - from my pulse point, to my collarbone, travelling then up to my throat. I feel a warmth in my stomach that only seems to grow with each kiss. I let out a low moan, and thread my fingers throughout his raven locks. I've never felt sensations like this before. Each kiss, I tighten my fingers a bit more.

Itachi moves his hands from my waist down to the sides of my thighs. Slowly, his hands trace from the sides of my thighs, to the top of them, and back to the sides again. "Itachi," I breathlessly whisper.

His kisses become a bit more sloppy, and wet. He licks his way back up to the pulse point, and this draws a shaky gasp out of me. His hands are still moving from side to front, back and forth like a rhythmic song that I never wanted to end. Instead of taking his hands back up to the top, he brings them back slightly. Taking his palms off, and only using his fingertips to run towards my butt, chills erupt down my spine.

Just as I started focusing on the movement of his hands, a painful but pleasurable feeling came to my neck. Just above my collarbone Itachi's teeth sink into my skin, sucking hard enough to leave a bruise. As he releases the now tender skin, he runs his tongue over it, soothing the wound over.

I tug on his hair, and he pulls back. Leaving only a few inches between us, we're both rendered breathless. "I'm going to kiss you now, okay y/n?" I suck in a deep breath, and give a short, curt nod. He brings one hand off the side of my butt, and brings it to cup my cheek.

Leaning forward, he looks into my eyes, as if asking for reassurance. I nod again. Closing the final distance, he presses his warm lips against mine. It was warm and soft, it wasn't aggressive, but it had the right amount of pressure.

Yes, I've kissed other guys before, but it never felt anywhere near as sensational as this. I reciprocate the kiss with equal force. Our lips moved together in synchronized movements, I feel his tongue flick across my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I open my mouth, allowing him to put his tongue in my mouth, and I the same. His hands travel from my cheek and butt back to my waist. From my waist he, almost painfully slowly, moved them to the hem of my t-shirt. Still keeping his slow movements, he brushes his fingers under my shirt. My skin feels hot, and I want more. I crave his touch

His hands run up my back, touching the clasp of my bra. Just as I'm about to move my hands from his hair down to his chest, I hear a knock on the door. I pull apart from Itachi, lightheaded, breathless, and confused.

My lips are swollen and bruised, along with the few hickeys he gave me. Pushing myself off him, I walk to the door. Looking through the keyhole I see Jake and Kakashi, they both look like they just got done with a fight.

I unlock the door, and let them in. "What's up?" I ask them, as Kakashi shuts the door behind him.

"We just defeated the ninja's. There were a total of ten, so we should be good to leave tomorrow morning," Kakashi says, sounding exhausted. Itachi and I nod in response.

Jake yawns and states that he's going to retire for the evening, Kakashi follows.

I tell Itachi that I want to shower, so I grab my items and head to the bathroom. Now that I have time alone, I have time to think. Did that really just happen? Did I really just make out with the guy I've been friends with for less than two weeks? Oh my god. No y/n, it was just for the mission, it didn't mean anything. Not to me, and definitely not to him.

I'm just going to forget it ever happened.

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