"Whatever, it's not like I ever needed him anyway."

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It's been a few days since we returned from our mission. My mind has been on one thing only, Itachi. Why can't i get my mind off of that stupid kiss? It was for the mission only. There were no feelings behind it at all.

It meant nothing.

'Ughhhh' I groan into my pillow. Perhaps I should get out, maybe it would get my mind off this whole situation.

I can't. The sole thought of seeing Itachi, is enough to keep me couped up in bed. Though, maybe taking a shower would be nice, or eating some sort of food. No. I think I'll stay put. Even training sounds like too much for me right now.

Yes, the kiss between Itachi and I has me in disarray, but above all, my mothers death anniversary is coming up. This time of the year has always been hard for me.

My hand comes up to fiddle with my silver chain. The chain that holds meaning. Only Shisui knows of the meaning behind it, that my mother gave it to me.

How I miss her. Everyday I think of what I could have done differently. If I had started my training earlier, maybe I would have known more jutsu. Maybe I could have stopped the ninja's. If I hadn't been born. If people didn't hate the Uchiha. If people weren't power hungry. None of this would have happened.

I was weak. I'm still weak. No matter how hard I train, I will always be weak.

I hear two soft knocks on the other side of my bedroom door, and a crack - signalling that someone has opened it.

Stepping through the doorway is none other than Shisui Uchiha. "Hey y/n," He softly says, continuing his steps towards the bed I lay on. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, he turns his head towards me.

"Do you need anything?" He softly asks. I simply shake my head, and stare at the room in front of me.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"I don't remember," I mumble out quietly.

"You need to eat y/n. What do you want? I'll make it." He stands up, leaning over my body slightly.

"Toast." Walking out of my room, I am left alone.

It's not odd of him to come and check up on me during this time. Perhaps it would be good for me to have some company.

A few minutes later, he returns with buttered toast and water. He sets it on the stand beside my bed, and comes next to me.

Placing one of his hands on my upper arm, and one on my back, he helps to bring me into a sitting position. Grabbing my toast, I scoot over against the wall, and pull my covers back, allowing him room to slide into my bed. Softly nibbling on the toast, I wait for Shisui to say something.

It doesn't take him long to finally speak up. "Something happened didn't it? It's never been this bad before." Shisui has been with me since I was 6. After my
mom's death, he always came and comforted me. He's always been able to read me quite well. I nod in response to his question.

"On our mission, the one in the Hidden Rose, Itachi and I were to act like a newly married couple." He nods, listening intently to my story. "Well, the ninjas we were to defeat had been spying on us in our hotel, and to keep up our act we, well, we kissed. Or, more like made out, until Kakashi and Jake interrupted us. I just can't stop thinking about it for some reason. It's like no matter what I do, my thoughts are on Itachi, and how it felt to kiss him." Shisui looks utterly shocked, and doesn't seem to know what to say.

"Well, I guess just don't overthink it. It was a mission after all, what makes it any different from the one where we had to kiss?"

"I don't know! I wish I did, I wish I could just ignore what happened. But no matter how many times I tell myself it was just for the mission, it doesn't work." My hands flail about, trying to express my distress. Shisui smirks, then his face falls into a more serious look. I question his gaze with my own.

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