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I feel the train come to an abrupt stop jerking me from my seat. As I step off I let it sink in that this is a whole new playing field. I have ventured in to so many different places, but never once did I think I would leave my homeland. Leave for a place that appears so immense, but at the same time so limited. The states.

Where I was before seems so empty. No matter how much I like to believe that my "home" made me who I am. Well, if it was then I say cheers because against popular belief I am fantastic. The only thing about the forgotten place was so dry. Not the weather, but the action. I mean damn. Everyone was the same, and a girl can only take that for so long. Just like any breathing being, I have needs.

Thankfully, I was wise enough to pretend to be broke during my travels. I worked myself so hard, and sometimes I was barely ever to make rent. That was all a hoax. I inherited loads of money at a young age, but it never felt like it was going to good use. The only good it ever brought me was a plane ticket to JFK, in the lovely city of New York.

Everything here was so fast and constant. Like no one would ever be able to stop. Everything here needs to be broken down because nothing is ever as it seems. Yet, it is like a black and white page. Everything here is so timeless, so perfect, and so understandable. The things that need to be analyzed are yet so simple?

The black and white city of New York has it's different colors of grey, black, and white all with different shades, yet they all still fall under the umbrella of drab colors. The personality that different hues gives such a story-- one that does not dream to comply. All individuals being their own.

There are secrets and stories that hide in these streets, but nothing that will be able to change what it is. Simplistic. Minimal. Powerful.

This is the place that I need to be. This is where I can truly be me; an individual.

As I walk down the concrete sidewalk I take everything. The people running past me, the bikers gliding in and out, and the interns running down with trays of coffee doing their best not to loose their job. A job. That is mission one. I do have money, but if I spend it all then I would be stuck here. And with the guarantee of my boredom; I need to be frugal.

Before I get a job I need to find a place to live. It will not be as cheap here as it was back home, but I can manage. On last minute, I need to be open minded.

I picked up a paper, and I began to look through the ads. I was able to easily find a studio in Chelsea. That would be perfect. I take the first taxi I can get. During my little venture I take out one of the only consistent things in my life. My journal. My whole life is stowed away in here.

Day one. I would not even say it is a day. No one interesting to catch my eye, but in the big city I feel like that won't be too hard to find. This is a new place, but I am the same old Naomi so I am going to do whatever I want. Here is to new adventures. New fu..

"Miss. We are here." A man from the front seat said to me in the nicest of tones truly shocking me. Aren't taxi drivers supposed to be rude here?

"Oh, thank you." I said paying the fare and leaving him a generous tip before running up the stairs to the apartment that I was promised a walk through in. I make it to the floor, and knock on the door. When the door opens I was surprised to see what I did. "B!" I yelled wrapping my arms around the familiar face.

"Oh my god! Naomi what are you doing here!" She yelled back at me.

"You know me. Always moving around. What about you? Why are you here?" I said pulling myself out of her arms.

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