{Chapter 14} A Russian Rant

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A part of this chapter was requested by Miss_you_by_Midnight Thank you for suggesting the idea! Also I'm very sorry for not updating for a few months now. I've been quite busy with school and guitar lessons. Hope this chapter makes up for it!

Russian: Here
Japanese: Here
English: Here

[3rd Person POV] *This takes place back at Karasuno before the trip to Hasetsu*

Loud huffs were heard all throughout the gym as Karasuno was practicing their receives, as usual. Hinata Shoyo was especially bad at receiving, sadly. The only time he had been able to receive properly was when Karasuno was facing against Inarazaki High and whenever he's in a good or just plain annoyed mood.

Before and after that incident, he had never been able to receive as well as any of his teammates, to his dismay. As the tiny boy made his way to get more balls to practice with, a raven haired setter walked up towards him.

"Oi boke. When are we gonna practice our quick attack." The king impatiently questioned. Hinata, in a bad mood already, countered back, "Just let me practice my receives first Bakageyama! Jeez. You're too needy!"

"Ohoho. Is the shrimp disobeying the king? Oh how the tables have turned." A specific tall salty blonde haired male teased, strutting towards the two. "Tsukki! Don't be so mean!" Yamaguchi cut in. "Yamaguchi urusai." Tsukishima shrugged. "Gomen Tsukki!" The green haired boy bowed once.

[Hinata's POV]

Jeez...I forgot how bad I was at receives. No, no! Don't say that Shoyo! You'll get better soon! My inner me complimented. I nodded determined as I scurried down to my bag, wanting to take a sip of my fresh water. As I gulped down my water, I checked my phone for any new messages...

0 new messages

0 new messages

Skating Fam!
30000 new messages (Muted)

Uncle Yurio
0 new messages

Uncle Otabek
1 new message

3 new messages

I scrolled down to find my skating groupchat, only to be shocked later on. THERE WERE 30000 MESSAGES! I spat my water out, still not believing it. "BOKE HINATA BOKE! YOU SPILLED ALL YOUR WATER!" I heard an angry scowl behind me. "WHAT THE FUCK HOW MUCH DO THEY TEXT!-" I accidentally slipped....Oh no.

[3rd Person POV]

Suddenly, Hinata felt a sea of faces staring at him, awestruck. He cocked his head around slowly to see his whole team staring at him as if they've seen a ghost. 'I messed up didn't I-?" He thought, screaming his thoughts in his mind. "W-what language even is that? Is that even japanese?!?" The raven haired setter questioned.

"It's russian you idiot." A tall blonde figure appeared from the doorway to the gym. "T-tsukki! Your late!" Yamaguchi said, still in a daze. "Right, right. Sorry. Anyways, I didn't know you speak russian shrimp." He scoffed. "Well yea I used to live in Russia for a few years- WAIT! YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN TOO?! AND DID YOU JUST APOLOGIZE?!"  The orange headed boy beamed.

"Tch. Yea, I did. And besides, my dad used to drag me to Russia for business every year." He replied. "A-alright everyone! Get back to practice!" Daichi stepped up, getting everyone back into order and back to normal.

Surprisingly, Hinata and Tsukishima started having an actual normal conversation. Of course, in russian. Not wanting anyone else to eavesdrop. "So, what's up with your messages?" He asked, remembering the little tangerine's ranting just before he walked in. "O-oh. It's just my family. They text way way way too much in my family groupchat! It gets annoying to hear all the notifications sometimes." He sighed.

"Well, there is something I've been wanting to ask you." Tsukishima pulled out his phone out of his pocket with swift movements. Hinata looked curiously as he opened his 'Photos' app. "This is you, isn't it? The famous skater?" He scrolled in on a photo of Hinata in his skating outfit, being hugged tightly by both of his dads.

The poor boy was dumbfounded. "H-how did you-" He was interuppted by Tsukishima, "I was dragged outside by my dad and saw you with Viktor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki. I then got suspicious so I followed you until you reached the skating rink. I used that to deduce that your the son of those famous skaters."

Hinata was amazed at his intelligence and high iq. "Well, fine. I guess the truth is out. I'm a skater in Russia. Now that you know, will you be willing to keep a secret?" He admitted.
"I wouldn't get anything from telling anyone either way so why not keep it a secret." The tall boy shrugged.

Hinata was amazed at this statement. Tsukki had never showed any kindness to him. "Thank you!" He exclaimed. "Tch. It's fine. Just try not to reveal too much" Tsukishima replied, walking towards the net, grabbing a volleyball in his hand.

Hinata just sat there in a good mood. This could be the start of a new friendship with someone who used to hate him and make fun of him! How lucky! He smiled as he opened his phone and started to text Oikawa...

A week later

It was time for morning practice and Hinata had arrived 15 minutes late! He spent all night texting a certain brown headed male and didn't get much rest. He rushed to the gym room as he grabbed his bag tightly. Finally, he arrived at the gym door. Sweating and panting heavily. "Sorry I'm late!! I didn't get much rest last night." He huffed.

"It's ok, just go and start practicing." Deadchi- I mean Daichi being a great dad figure, assured his child.

As Hinata walked towards the changing room, he sighed heavily, feeling tired. After changing, he scurried to the gym and started to practice. "Kageyama! Can you set to me?!" He said, spotting the blueberry boy. "Fine, boke." Kageyama stuck his tongue out playfully.

As they were getting in position, Yachi grabbed a ball from the ball cart and threw it to Kageyama quickly. Hinata sprinted towards the net, jumping up and spreading his wings. His speed was so much faster than before that it was hard to keep up with him.

As Kageyama set the ball and threw it up in the air, Hinata reached out to spike it. Sadly, the tiny tangerine was way faster and broke the normal routine. As the ball hit the floor and bounced up, he accidentally slipped again, "Ah shit! That was a good jump and toss but I messed it up!"  Everyone but Tsukki couldn't understand him and once again, wondered what he said.

Muttering under his breath, Tsukishima turned towards Hinata and scolded, like an older brother lecturing his younger mischievous brother, "OI SHRIMP! What did I tell you about cursing in russian. You know someone's gonna walk in and they might be able to understand you! Don't blow your cover."

Hinata endured the harsh lecture from his now friend, Tsukki. He sighed softly, promising the tall blonde to not unnecessarily go on another russian rant out of nowhere. This was definitely another hectic day for Karasuno and of course, for 'Shoya Hina' too...

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