{Chapter 13} A day off with Karasuno

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[Yurio's POV that no one expected]

Shoyo left us to go hang out with his team. It's not that I'm jealous. Just that I'm scared they'll do anything to my poor nephew. Well. At least he knows self defense. Tch. I can't help but still feel worried.

Maybe I should try and relax. I don't want to end up like that old man, Viktor. Looking so sad just because he can't spend a day with Shoyo. Maybe I can hang out with Otabek today.

[3rd Person POV]

Everyone was getting ready in their own rooms and Hinata just couldn't get his mind off of a specific someone. That person was tall, handsome and goofy in Hinata's point of view but he couldn't help but to remember his smile. It made him blush slightly.

He shook it off and told himself to focus on going out today. "Today is a day off and I can't just think of him all the time. I better focus on my team and having fun!" He giggled.

This was Karasuno's first day off with the whole team finally united. They all had decided to go around looking at some of the shops that they spot in Hasetsu. Everyone except the small ball of sunshine hadn't been in this unfamiliar town before.

They were all very excited. Noya and Tanaka couldn't stop talking about how they would get to see Kiyoko and Yachi together dressed up. Daichi and Suga were both organizing the events and places that they would go to and Ennoshita, Kinnoshita and Narita were just talking with each other making plans.

"BOKE HINATA BOKE!" A loud shout could be heard in one of the rooms. "I'm sorryyyyy- I didn't know that it was yours!!!" A response was heard. "Looks like Kageyama found out about Hinata accidentally drinking the strawberry milk that he kept in the fridge. Poor Hinata." Ennoshita sighed, feeling a sense of pity for the tiny tangerine.

The constant screams and cries could be heard in the room as Hinata was trying his best to apologise to his now enraged friend. "WAHHHH! IM SO SORRY KAGEYAMAAAAA- I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOURS I THOUGHT NO ONE WANTED IT!!" A drop of tear trickled down Hinata's face. He was frightened by the enraged setter.

"All right! All right! Settle down you two. Today is our first day off together! Try not to fight more and ruin the mood." Daichi interrupted, trying his best to stop them.

Kageyama slowly sighed and started to calm down. He felt a bit better after Suga bought him some milk from the store.

(When everyone was outside and ready to go)

Hinata was still traumatized from that terrifying experience. He had been threatened and scolded by Kageyama many times before, but he couldn't help but to think that it was even scarier this time. He kept his distance, knowing that the raven haired setter might still be angry. (Rumor has it to this day he is still angry :] )

The team walked around Hasetsu, trying to find some place cool. They walked for a few minutes before finding themselves at a castle-shaped building. "WOAHHH! What's that cool castle?!" Noya's eyes sparkled. "Huh? Oh! That's the Hasetsu Castle! It's a famous landmark in Hasetsu! I've been here once when I was a kid." Hinata rubbed the back of his head.

"Cool! We should all take a picture or maybe go inside." Suga suggested, also amazed. "I wouldn't go in if I were you. Unless if you wanna become a Ninja!" Hinata giggled playfully. The rest of the team except Tsukishima cocked their heads to the side. "Ninja?" They all looked like confused puppies.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to mention. This castle is also famous for being a place to study the arts of a Ninja!" Hinata informed. He seemed to know about Hasetsu more than he knew about himself!

After more information about the castle, everyone took their phones out and started taking a bunch of photos. The team then continued their adventure to find other interesting places in Hasetsu. They came across a cool ramen place in the middle of the shopping district. They were greeted by large red banners that read, 'Nakahama Ramen'. It wasn't that crowded at that time and an old man known as Nakahama welcomed them politely.

There were unlit lanterns around the small ramen shop and the place was well decorated with traditional japanese heirlooms. Ennoshita found some seats right infront of the cooking station. They could personally see how they made the ramen and what ingredients were used. It was almost as if they were at a professional live cooking show.

As they each ordered their food, fragrant aromas of miso soup and ramen flooded the air. It wasn't the best in the world but it was enough to make everyone drool in hunger. Hinata had been here several times with Viktor, his dad. So Nakahama had already knew what he wanted.

All he had to say was, "The usual please." And the old cheery man would know what he wanted. Tanaka and Noya were way to hungry to pay attention to this and gazed at the food in awe. "Ittadakimasu!" They all smiled and said in unison.

"It's great that we came here in the afternoon! If we came it night it would've been way more crowded! And it would take a longer time to receive our food. Thankfully, Nakahama san is fast and efficient!" Hinata grinned. "You've been here too Hinata?" Kinnoshita asked.

"Yup! I've been in almost every place in Hasetsu." The bright boy cheered. "Cool." Narita joined the conversation. "Thank you Nakahama san! We'll be sure to come back on our next day off!" Hinata waved at the old man. "Come at anytime you want! Make sure to bring your dad too maybe next time!" He waved back with a large smile.

After a day of shopping, eating and sight-seeing, Karasuno decided to head back to the inn where Yuri's mom would be cooking dinner. On the way back, Yachi and Kiyoko spotted a small ballet studio. "Looks like someone's in there! Should we check it out?" The blonde haired softie pointed to the lit lights.

"Oh? That's Minako sensei's ballet studio!" Hinata responded. "She teaches ballet. I think we should go! Ballet is part of ice skating." He continued. "Hinata's right. We should go in if we wanna get better at skating." Yamaguchi agreed.

"Alright then. After this then we shall go back to the inn." Daichi gave in. Everyone strolled in. "Minako Sensei~?" Hinata called out. "Here I am!" A lady with milky brown hair and wearing a reddish pink cardigan popped up the desk. "So great to see you back Shoyo! Do you want to practice here again?" She immediately knew what he wanted to do.

"Yup! These are my teammates! They're going to be practicing too! If you don't mind." Hinata giggled. "The more the merrier! Now let's practice shall we?" She laughed. "Hai!!" Everyone exclaimed, excited. And after that, Karasuno's first day off was over. They knew they would be skating again the next day but, it was still so much fun to go around Hasetsu.

:O I'm done writing this chapter! I really enjoyed writing this! It was so much fun referring to the Yuri On Ice episodes. Sorry for not posting in awhile! I decided to look for some inspiration so I went through many Yuri on ice X Haikyuu crossovers! Oh and have you heard of the new Yuri On Ice movie? 'Ice Adolescence!' I'm really excited to watch it! Hope you guys can watch it too! Now then, have a happy day / night! -Author

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