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"I have a place." Clint said as the Avengers needed a place to rest after the battle with Ultron. "Sure go ahead and take us to it." Tony said.

+*+ Few hours later+*+

The Quinjet landed near a farm house. Clint helped Natasha walk since she was hurt the most. The others followed Clint up to the house.

"What is this place??" Thor asked. "Safehouse??" Tony said in a duh tone.

"Let's hope." Clint said opening the door. "Honey??" Clint called out. "I'm home."

Pregnant Laura came out carrying children's art. Tony and Bruce looked confused. "I have company, sorry didn't call ahead." Clint apologized.

Both Laura and Clint shared a short yet sweet kiss. "This is an agent of some kind." Tony told Thor.

"Gentlemen, she is Laura." Clint introduced his wife to the Avengers. "I know all of your names." Laura said awkwardly.

The group awkwardly smiled while Tony gave a small wave. "Ohh, incoming." Clint said kneeling down.

Lila came running in with her arms wide "DAD!!" The two siblings ran up to their dad and hugged him.

"Aww come on buddy." Clint said happily hugging them. The Avengers looked at them in confusion.

"Their smaller agents." Tony pointed out. "Did you bring auntie Nat??" Lila asked. "Why don't you hug her and find out." Natasha said lifting Lila up.

"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve apologized like the true gentlemen he is. "Yeah, we would have called ahead, we were busy having no idea, that you existed." Tony said.

"Yeah Fury helped me set this up." Clint said. "What is all the chatter I hear from my room." Ophelia came down to see the Avengers and her dad in the living room hurt. "I'll go get the first aid kit." Ophelia said going back upstairs.

Tony looked at her questioningly. "That's my other daughter, Ophelia." Clint said.

Soon Ophelia came down with a kit and started treating the Avengers.

"Why don't you both go up and play." Laura suggested as Copper and Lila started to make noise. "No!!" Lila whined. The noise started to increase when Ophelia had enough.

"You know what?? If you don't listen to Mom and go upstairs now, I will dissect you both." Ophelia said seriously. "No you won't." Lila said crossing her arms. "I really need new human test subjects for next weeks test, and believe me I will use you both if you don't go upstairs now!!" Ophelia said threateningly waving her scalpel she got seemingly out of nowhere.  Lila shrieked and ran upstairs with Cooper following her.

"Are you okay Auntie Nat??" Ophelia asked as she dabbed the alcohol dipped cotton pad onto her wounds. "Yeah." Natasha said wincing slightly.

 "It's going to hurt." Ophelia warned as she sewed shut Natasha's deep wound. "And done." Ophelia said finally after she finished sewing Natasha's wound. "And you better not move your shoulder for at least an hour, otherwise it will open again." Ophelia informed. 

Suddenly there was a crash and a shriek followed it with series of ribbits. "Oh god." Ophelia sighed and ran upstairs. 

"What is she studying??" Tony asked interested. "MBBS." Clint answered as guilty looking Cooper and Lila coming down with and angry looking Ophelia. "What did they do this time??" Laura sighed sitting down.

"Almost knocking down my chemicals plus opening the frog cage." Ophelia said glaring at them. "And not to mention almost destroying my notes in the process." 

"You two are grounded and do not go near your sister's room." Laura scolded them. "I'm off to find more frogs since some people let them free." Ophelia left as she glared at her siblings.

"I'm really sorry about them." Laura apologized. "No need to apologize Lady Laura, having siblings is sometimes tough." Thor said remembering his time with Loki.

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