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("uhhhh... I'm back" *smiles nervously* "please don't kill me")

 I'm back" *smiles nervously* "please don't kill me")

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six; beach voyages

AFTER THE FULL MOON, THE KIDS HUNG OUT PRACTICALLY EVERY DAY. Most of the time, the Potter's home was their main gathering place, but occasionally the group would go to Elliana and Arielle's home to hang out. The kids always shared exchanged stories about their schools and their lives, both sides curious to find out about the other's lives.

They were currently at the girls' house, and Elliana was teaching Sirius how to hold his breath underwater for longer while Arielle was sharing her older sister's embarrassing stories.

"Then she cried while her headmaster called father, and he-"

"Ok! Ok! I think that's enough for today," Elliana exclaimed, jumping out of the water, not wanting that information to get out into the public, especially not this group of boys. Sirius came out of the water, less than a second later, with a triumphant smile on his face.

"I beat you! Ha! Hand over the 50 galleons." Elliana rolled her eyes.

"That rule did not apply for when I beat you the last ten times," she replied, glaring at the boy. "Hand over the money, Black."

"I'm sorry I'm not extremely wealthy, Sounders."

Remus burst into laughter but quickly stopped, his cheeks turning bright pink. "What's so funny, Lupin."

"You're one of the wealthiest people in the country, Black. I don't think you have the right to ask for money."

Sirius pouted. "You're supposed to defend me, Moony."

"What's there to defend?"

Elliana made eye contact with James and Arielle from behind the two boys. James shrugged mouthing "sexual tension" causing the girls to snigger quietly. Elliana had only been spending time with the boys for a short time, but she could even tell that the two fancied each other.

She returned her gaze to the two boys who were still awkwardly arguing and decided to intervene.

"Do you guys want to go somewhere?"

"Like where?" Sirius asked. "Diagon Alley?"

"I meant somewhere more like the beach, but anywhere's fine."

"How would we get there? It's not like we can walk all the way to the beach."

Elliana rolled her eyes. The boys could be extremely thick sometimes. "I have a car and I can drive," she replied.

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