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Elliana got to leave the house a few times after that, whenever Antoinette was busy or working and didn't notice the two missing girls in the house.

One day, two weeks later, Elliana was going downstairs to get herself a cup of coffee, where she found the woman herself sitting in the kitchen. She watched as the lady looked her up and down in disgust.

"What are you wearing?" she asked. Elliana looked at her sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"Clothes." Antoinette tutted as she rolled her eyes.

She put down her drink. "Do you think that it is acceptable for a daughter of the most influential French family in the world to be wearing...," she waved her fingers around, "this. You are an embarrassment to this family."

Elliana was getting irritated. "I'm not even going anywhere. Why can't I wear what I want?"

The lady chuckled a very forced laugh. "Why?! Why?! Because you always need to be presentable. When you grow up you will become a wife, who will cook and clean, and you will still need to look presentable. You will take out the trash and still look presentable. You will take care of your children and still look presentable. Why?! Because you have an image to keep up. That's why." With that, the woman got up to leave, but not before calling out, "When I come back I expect to see you in nice clothes... and makeup!"

Elliana was seething with hatred. She stormed up the stairs and flopped on her bed. She reached over to her side table and grabbed her quill and piece of parchment, that she always kept with her. She started writing.

Dear Manny,

I swear I'm going insane. I know you think I'm dramatic, but if you spent a few days with this lady, you would see that everything I say is one hundred percent true, no exaggeration. How's mom? Are you taking care of her? Is she getting any better? I hope she is. I may be able to visit soon, depends on when Dad lets me, but I think I'll be able to at least for her birthday. But you better visit when you can! Well, just checking in on you. Tell mom I miss her,


Your Favorite Sister

She folded up her letter as she gave it to her owl, Charlotte. "Send that to Manny, please," she said, giving the owl a treat before flying away.

After cleaning up her supplies, Elliana set up her record player to play some quiet, calming music as she did her daily makeup. As she dabbed her face, she remembered when she used to do her makeup for fun with her mum and sister. Now it just seemed like a daily burden she was forced to do every day to cover up her blemishes. Once she finished, she removed her comfortable clothes and put on a skirt and cami top, in their place.

Elliana walked out of her bedroom and knocked on her sisters'. She entered once she heard the muffled mumble from inside. "Hey Bean," she said, sitting down on her sister's bed.

The young girl was sitting in front of her mirror, attempting to line her eyes. "Hey, Lia." She suddenly poked her eye. "Damn it! Can you help me?" Elliana picked up the pencil and drew a smooth black line across her eyelid. She started singing softly as she layered mascara on her lashes.

Realizing what she was doing, she quickly stopped. Arielle noticed.

"I haven't heard you sing in a while." She smiled up at her, trying to get her to keep going. "I like it." But Elliana was done. She set down the makeup as she showed her sister the work she had done.

She walked back over to the bed and laid her head down on the pillow. "Do you want to do anything today? I mean Antionette is here, so we can't go out, but we can do something."

"Can we go swimming out back?" Elliana nodded as they got ready. They ran to their father quickly for him to do the impervius charm on their faces so that their hard work wasn't for nothing. They walked to the backyard of the manor, where they jumped into the pool instantly. They swam, sunbathed, and watched as people walked by them. Soon, though, they were hungry.

"Can we get ice cream?" Arielle asked. Elliana glanced at her watch. She knew that her father and Antoinette were currently working and probably wouldn't notice if they slipped out.

"Sure. But do not mention this." They put on shorts on top of their bathing suits and drove over to Diagon Alley. As they slipped through the passageway, they walked over to Florean's Fortescue's. As they were walking, she bumped into someone.

"I'm incredibly sorry, I wasn't wat-" She noticed who it was. "Oh, uh, hi. Sirius was it?"

Sirius Black stood up and offered her his hand. "Yep! Hello again. What are you doing here? I thought you were a muggle!"

Elliana nervously chuckled. "Um, nope not a muggle. Just heading over to get some ice cream, because, you know, it like really hot out." Sirius looked her up and down. She started to feel self-conscious in her small shorts and sheer top on top of her bathing suit. Her sister sensing that she was flustered, jumped in. "Would you like to join us?" Arielle called out from behind Elliana.

Sirius looked back before speaking. "Sure, I'm just going to wait for James. He's buying some supplies for his mom, and then we'll meet you at the shop."

They parted ways, and Sirius ran over to the apothecary shop. He looked around before spotting who he was looking for, "James!" he called. He ran up to the boy browsing through the shelves. "Sirius, are you ok?" he asked, seeing his friend all worn out and tired.

Sirius placed his arm on his head as he replied. "Just spiffy. I ran into Elliana today and we're going to ice cream." James raised his eyebrows. "Who in Merlin's name is Elliana?" Sirius looked at him with an exasperated look and rolled his eyes. "Elliana. You know the girl we met at the Muggle Coffee Shop a while back. She's a witch too and she invited me for ice cream, so I said I'll get you, so come on."

James was utterly confused. "Why would we go for ice cream with her. We barely know her. And I thought we were going to get Quidditch supplies afterward." Sirius threw his hands up. "No, you assumed we were going to get Quidditch Supplies because that's what we did the last two weeks. You don't even need any more supplies. But we need ice cream because it's a magillion million degrees outside." When Sirius saw that his friend wasn't even listening to him, he continued. "Suit yourself. I'm going to go make friends instead of watching you fawn over brooms you already have." With that, he left, leaving James dumbfounded, wondering what had happened.


Hi y'all so... new chapter.
YAY! Again it'sterrible
so sorry I guess. But it's not
always going to be
this bad, just trying
to get the ball rolling.
ALSO, I would just like
to say thank you to the people
for voting or putting
this story in their list:




So thank you and pls vote and comment

- Mari

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