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seven; soothing songs

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seven; soothing songs

ELLIANA SOUNDERS WAS SITTING CROSS-LEGGED ON JAMES POTTER'S BED. It was a week after the kid's beach trip and it was only Elliana and James at the Potter's house. Two days after the trip, Remus had returned home but promised to return before the end of Summer. Euphemia and Fleumont had gone with Sirius to visit Sirius's cousin, Andromeda Tonks, seeing as she was getting married that day, and Arielle had had a sleepover at her best friend's house.

Elliana had arrived at the boy's house after he had owled her, informing her that he was bored. She flooed over and found the boy drawled across the kitchen floor, half asleep, reading a quidditch manual.

The girl had convinced him to get up off the hard floor and get him onto his bed, where he assisted that she would teach him the rules of quidditch. He was pacing back and forth, explaining every possible game-ender, foul, timeout, etc. There seemed to be something else on his mind.

"James," she called out quietly, towards the boy. He didn't seem to hear her, so she spoke a bit louder, "James."

The boy was unresponsive, still going over what happens if the bludgers hit the beaters. Elliana stood up and put a hand on the boy's shoulder and yelled his name. "James!"

James jumped, finally hearing that girl. "What?"

"What's wrong?" Elliana asked, rubbing the boy's arm to calm him down. "You're not acting like yourself."

James flopped onto the bed. "Nothing. I'm just worried for Sirius."

"Isn't he with your parents, he'll be fine."

"You don't understand. His family..." he faltered, shaking his head. "They're horrible. They hate him." The boy sighed, looking extremely conflicted. Elliana smiled sweetly at him and picked up the boy's heading, laying it in her lap, and ran her hand through his hair softly.

"Sirius is a strong kid, and I bet this family member can't be too bad or else he wouldn't go. And your parents love him. They won't let a single thing happen to him."

James felt better at the girl's words and her calming hand movements.

"Thanks." he responded.

She giggled. "For what?"

"Making me feel better." The two sat together in comfortable silence. Elliana looked around the boy's classroom and smiled at all the quidditch posters and Gryffindor banners that were hanging. There were many pictures of him, Remus, Sirius, and one other boy. There were also many pictures of a gorgeous redhead, whom Elliana assumed was the boy's girlfriend. Next to the boy's wall of photos was a beautiful guitar.

"Do you play?" Elliana asked the boy.


"The guitar. Do you play?"

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