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Riona Sounders was an interesting person. She ran away from her home, in Ireland, at age fourteen. Got married to one of the richest men in France at age seventeen, and by age twenty-three she already had four children. Yes, she was certainly an interesting person. But one thing that just made her much more interesting was her way of living. Seeing as she was the wife of the French Minister of Magic, you would expect her to be able to stay at home all day, drinking cocktails and taking bubble baths, which she did. But she was also the leader of many European rights movements. Riona traveled the continent to wizarding cities all over the world fighting for muggle-borns, women, Lgbt, and many more people's rights.

She was a very classy and busy woman, but she loved helping people, so when her disappointment of a son called her asking to watch his angel children she obviously said,


"Please, Mother! It's our anniversary."

"Take your children with you."



"I'll pay you"


"300 Galleons."


"A month."


"A week."


"Every day?"


"Please. Wait what?"

"I said yes, you bloody idiot."

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Don't make me regret this."

"I love you!"

"Can't say the same."

To say she regretted it was an understatement. It wasn't that she didn't like her grandchildren, she just didn't like children in general, after having a few of her own. So when they asked her to leave the house, she said "Thank Merlin," and ushered them out.

»»————-  ————-««

Remus was dreading the day. He had enjoyed spending the day with just Sirius and James yesterday, but since Sirius's girlfriend was coming, he was in an extremely foul mood. The other boys had just assumed it was because of the upcoming full moon, not the green pit of envy settling in his stomach.

It happened while he was eating lunch. He had just been cutting his sandwich, making sure all the edges were even because that was the only acceptable way to eat it when she came through. He was completely shocked when she walked in. She was just so... young.

"Little Elle!" Sirius exclaimed. Little Elle, Remus thought. Why was she his little E? Why wasn't he, his Little Rem? What did this little girl have that he didn't?

"Hey, Sirius. Hey, James," she replied, sitting at the table. "Hey, man who hasn't introduced himself yet." Remus stood there wide-eyed not responding to the girl. Why? Why her?

"Remus, you ok mate?", James asked.

Remus caught himself. "Oh ya, Hi I'm Remus."

"Arielle," the girl responded. Arielle? Wasn't the girl's name Elliana? Maybe he remembered it wrong. He looked at her.

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