Unveiled secrets

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     Molten Freddy's POV(dunno why I'm not putting Lavabear but eh)

     I stared at Funtime Chica. I was still perched on Rockstar Freddy's lap. I leaned back resting my head in Rockstar Freddy's silky soft fur. I shouldn't be happy but I have to so I can keep my own body. I quietly purred wrapping my arms around Rockstar Freddy. I heard something break and Madtrap attacking something so I unwillingly slunk out of Rockstar Freddy's lap and looked out of the kitchen. A large bear around my height when I stand all the way was strangling Lefty and batting Madtrap away with his paw. I leapt at the bear, slashing my claws across his face. I saw Rockstar Freddy staring at me with fear in his eyes. I pried the bear's paw off of Lefty and grabbed him. I stared at the slightly taller bear and snapped my jaws at it. It only took me a moment to notice something off about Lefty's appearance. He looked rather like someone else. I couldn't quite put my finger on it... literally. It would bite me. I carried Lefty back to the room where he was supposed to be resting and I went back downstairs. I went to Rockstar Freddy and wrapped myself around his leg without thinking. Everyone looked at us weirdly, except two of them, Rockstar Bonnie and Funtime Chica. I understood with Funtime Chica why she didn't mind but Rockstar Bonnie? I don't understand. 

     I laid in bed with Rockstar Freddy and snuggled up next to him, "What were you thinking earlier?" He asked softly yet still with a angry tone at the same time. "I wasn't thinking when I attacked- nor was I thinking when I tried to give you affection..." I responded sheepishly. "I didn't mean too-" I felt my eyes well up with tears. "Oh no no no I'm not mad honey bear!" He kissed my nose and held me closer to himself. I didn't want to move. I didn't want him to let go. I didn't want this to end. I didn't want to cry but I did anyway. "It's okay, honey." Rockstar Freddy said with slight worry. He tried everything to comfort me. Nothing worked but it made me smile just to realize he truly cared. Or maybe he doesn't care... What if this is an act? I thought. I didn't like the thought but it was there. I've never felt more alone even with someone right next to me. I tried all I could to get rid of that thought while my sweet lover was trying to comfort me. After awhile I pushed the thought aside and I forced a smile, "I'm fine now," I said with a fake happy tone. He looked at me with uncertainty but went to sleep anyway. I never realized how tall I was until now, but I pushed that away and cuddled up to Rockstar Freddy feeling safe with him near me. I fell asleep slowly.




     I woke up. The place was empty. Rockstar Freddy was gone. I felt like my life had just been drained from my body. I went down stairs hoping this was some prank but no one was there. And the entire house was empty. It hurt more than getting stabbed- More than the feeling of rejection. This is what abandonment felt like. It felt like my insides had been ripped out and I was left to die. I peered outside. No car... I teared up and let myself cry until there were no tears left to cry. I cried until my eyes hurt. I cried until the pain was worse. I may as well just go back to how I used to be, before I even knew this place existed... I thought and tore up one of the floorboards. Of course no one knew they were there. I kept them hidden. I took out a bottle of wine and drank the whole thing, slowly letting myself feel numb. (yup Lavabear has a drinking problem) I smiled realizing they would have to come back for me because no one else knew how to help Lefty. I knew what was after him, I knew what he was. It's funny knowing things you don't remember learning. I heard the door open, and I threw the empty bottle at it. I heard a familiar yelp. I could care less if it was the very person who loved me. He didn't love me enough to take me with him. "I'm not afraid to throw a full bottle and it will sting like hell is creeping under your skin!" I hissed, picking up a full bottle of black cherry wine. I've had it for a while, I just never drank it and didn't need to before. I was told it would taste better if I let it age. "Honey- it's just me!" Rockstar Freddy walked over to me. "Don't 'honey' me!" I snarled. "Fine. Then I'll call you babe instead." He smiled and picked me up. It felt nice but I knew it was fake. If it was real, why would he have abandoned me?? "Look, babe. I was moved out of the house in the middle of the night- or another time when I was asleep. I would NEVER abandon you!!" Rockstar Freddy said, empathy in his eyes.

     I looked up at him and smiled weakly and nestled into his soft fur. I wasn't usually this tired. Maybe it was because I drank a whole bottle of wine... or it was something else? "Can I bring my alcohol?" I asked quietly. He looked at me and shook his head. "Please? It eases my pain..." I pleaded. I wasn't lying. It helped. "Fine, but you can't drink it without permission. Okay?" He had officially made a rule for me. Me not being able to give him affection was rather a request so this didn't happen. I nodded and fell asleep.




    I sat up and pressed myself against Rockstar Freddy. I had woken up early, but didn't want to leave his side. He began to stir so I rested my head on his side. He put his hand on my check to push me off so he could get up. But I just sat up instead. "I woke up early!" I smiled and purred. "I can see that," He kissed my cheek and got out of bed. I wrapped my body around him so we couldn't be separated. "Not to be rude but," he huffed, "You're kinda heavy..." I put my hand to my chest faking being offended but got off anyway.

(Engineers create wealth for the society. So, tennis is a game and the resources of the earth are scarce. Have you gone mad? Thus it is important to teach of the wellness of society.) (why did I find this...)

A Simp and a Pimp! (Molten Freddy X Rockstar Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now