What are cuddles?

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Rockstar Freddy's POV(impossible!)

     I woke up first. As always, which was good. I picked up my new found boyfriend and carried him into the room me and him had been sharing. I heard something outside and I laid Molten Freddy on the bed and left the room. I moved through the dark corridor I turned on my night vision and left the house to see what was outside. I saw a rabbit, it slightly resembled  Scraptrap but not fully. His left arm was purple and his right arm was a tanish yellow, like the right half of his face. His eyes were half closed but he seemed to be staring directly at me. If it even was a he. His eye lids were purple and around. His eyes was a dark red, like stained blood.

     I couldn't see his legs or his body. It was covered with a green cloak. I watched the rabbit stand, his body was shaky and uneven. "What do YOU want?" The rabbit hissed at me as he fully opened his eyes. His pupil was purple and his iris and his scalrea were yellow. "You're outside where I happen to live, and I heard a sound so I came to investigate." I said weakly. The rabbit stared at me, his eyes were almost lifeless. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside. I heard a string snap. Well now I know his body is held together by a few stitches. I stopped pulling him and tried to get him inside another way but he wouldn't budge any other way. I decided to try and push him inside. That worked, but how was I supposed to get him through the door?

     The rabbit allowed me to push him as he simply just tried to stitch him arm back together again. I saw a glimpse of pure hatred in his eyes, but it quickly went away. His eyes showed happiness but his mouth didn't. I shook my head. Why am I paying so much attention to him? He doesn't seem normal. The blood gives it away. I paused and tilted my head at the door. "You can walk. Just get your ugly ass inside so when Lehach recovers from the burns he can fix you." I muttered. I heard Molten whine and I went back to our room, "Hey it's okay, I'm here." I rubbed Molten's back. There wasn't much, just the upper half of his torso and his shoulders. He stopped whining and he smiled. "What are you two doing?" The rabbit questioned. Apparently he had followed me. "Giving him cuddles, and he's just sleeping." I replied as quietly as I could.

     "What are cuddles?" He asked as he walked over to me and Molten. "Something I will only give to my boyfriend, but cuddles are the action of leaning or letting someone lean on you and you wrap your arms around them." I said that like I was some sort of walking dictionary, not sure why I had to explain that. Molten woke up and groaned as he burrowed his face in my chest. The rabbit stared long and hard at Molten. I didn't like that he was staring so I threw a book at him, "Stop staring at MY boyfriend." I growled and pet Molten to try and calm myself down. Molten leaned on my hand as I pet him and he let out a small little purr. "I never got your name." I said, quietly as too let Molten go back to sleep. He was quiet for a moment. Does he not know his own name? I questioned in my head. "My name is Madtrap" The rabbit replied. I saw into his suit. A little bit there was a body, just like there was in Scraptrap and Springtrap. "You're William Afton, the child murderer. Aren't you?" I asked.

     His eyes darkened, looking at some faraway place that I couldn't see. He looked sad, mostly. Then a new emotion spread across his face. I could tell that he wasn't himself anymore. "Yes, I am..." He smiled, and chuckled in a low, raspy voice. Chills went down my back, and the fur on the back of my neck began to bristle. Then he looked up at me, eyes aflame with something I hadn't seen in a long time. Insanity. He lunged at me, claws trying to rip through my fur. But I had seen his attack before he struck. I dodged and grabbed Molten. He started to wake up and complained about the sudden jostle. But I didn't have time to explain. I rushed out of the room and slammed the door shut. I booked it out of the house and set Molten down on the soft lawn gently. I turned towards the door, waiting for the crazed Rabbit to come out of the door at any moment. Instead, I heard screams and roars from inside the house.

     I hadn't even thought of the others! I had only been thinking about Molten's safety. I groaned, then went inside. The other animatronics had Madtrap pinned to the ground. He was snarling and trying to bite at the others. Everybody in the room looked shocked and tired. I slowly came up to him. He looked at me with the fire still in his eyes. "Stop. You can control it, but you choose not to." His face went through a struggle, then went back to the way I first saw it. Tired and sad. "I-I'm sorry about that..." He sighed and went limp. The other animatronics stood there for a moment, not sure whether it was a trick or not. Eventually, they let go of him. He shakily stood up. Before he could say something, he coughed and spluttered. A trickle of blood streamed down from his mouth. He hobbled over to the couch and sat down with a sigh. He wiped his mouth and looked at everyone with an depressed expression. Around me, I could feel the animatronics confusion. "Well uh, that was interesting." said ElChip, trying to break the silence. Henry grunted and responded with, "I'm going back to bed." The other animatronics nodded in agreement and shuffled back upstairs. The only people left in the living room was me, Rockstar Bonnie, and Orville. They anxiously said good night and went upstairs. I went back into the yard, Molten pouting in the grass. I gently scooped him up into my arms and went back inside.

     I closed the door t our room and sat on the bed. I tucked Molten into the covers, then I crawled in with him. He snuggled up to me and I closed my eyes, petting the top of Molten's head. He started to purr, and I fell asleep.

A Simp and a Pimp! (Molten Freddy X Rockstar Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now