The shadows of the tragedy before

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Madtrap's POV

     I sat on the floor in the hallway my ears folded down. I stood up and looked at myself in the small mirror in the hall. I'm a monster... I thought as my own piercing, purple eyes stared at me. I jolted at the slight touch on my shoulder. I turned around but no one was there. I looked around then I saw someone. A dark purple bear with the same eyes as Fredbear stared at me. He looked like Freddy, from when William first built them and put them with Fredbear, Spring Bonnie, and Nightshade (Nightmare before he was a Nightmare). I stared into the bear's eyes. "...D-Daddy? Why must you look at me like that?" The bear said, in a child's voice. He sounded confused as he spoke. People said there were two shadows possessed by employees, but this doesn't seem to be the case the bear seems to be possessed by a child. Christopher Jerold Afton. "I'm not your father. He's trapped inside me, and he is being removed," I said calmly, as a little bit of blood dripped from my mouth.

     The bear stepped closer to me and held my jaws shut. "Why would you want to remove daddy?" He asked, while extending his claws of which pierced into my snout. I felt a liquid prick in my eyes but I knew it wasn't tears. It was blood. "You're hurting him more than your hurting me!" I managed to get out before kicking the bear in the stomach. I snarled and the bear disappeared into thin air. I limped into the living room before collapsing on the couch and blacked out.

Molten Freddy's POV

     I turned around to face where Rockstar Freddy slept, and I cuddled up to him. Only to find he wasn't there. I let out a low whine and El Chip walked in. I instantly hissed at him. He tried to pick me up, but I thrashed about and scratched out his eye on accident. "You'll never change- your a monster just like Lefty" El Chip growled at me. Then I remembered the reason why they let me stay with them all, to take care of Lefty. I left the room and searched the house for Lefty. I eventually found him. I began to think about something. What did El Chip mean when he said I'm a monster just like Lefty? Lefty has always been so nice and friendly. I heard someone walk in but I paid no attention to this. I began to tend to the burns. Lefty hadn't woken up, but he wasn't cold as if he was dead. I turned around, about to leave, and a black rabbit stared at me with glowing white eyes. I instantly recognized his body shape but knew this was most certainly not Toy Bonnie.

     My ear twitched and I felt my body stiffen. I crawled through the rabbit knowing so long as no one is scared of him, he can't be physical. I went into the living room and got onto Rockstar Freddy's lap. I licked his cheek playfully, kinda like a dog. He laughed and pet what was left of my back. I let out a low purr as I slowly fell asleep.

(Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday or for an entire week- I was just really busy.    =w= )

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